• Day 16

    Planes, boats and automobiles

    November 18, 2016 on the Philippines ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Journey from Palawan started at 3 am😖. It began with a 6hour bus to the airport, then a 1hr flight, into a cab to the ferry terminal, on the love boat, not, for 2hrs, hired a car( I use the term loosely, after wondering around Taglibaran, we managed to find Richard, a lovely fellow who basically lent us his car for 5 days) bobs your uncle, we arrived at Nut Huts Loboc, on the island of Bohol. Home of the chocolate hills and the tarsiers.

    Now bear in mind me and Tammy both have head colds and me and Dan both have, well dyssentry!!! So the journey was eventful!

    Toilet. Loo. W.C potato potata.... The Comfort Room, as its so quaintly known here, has seen most of the action in the last few days and what a story it has to tell! But fear not, nothing 2billion basillus clausis can't fix!!! It's only week three.... God to think what India has in store

    Nuts Huts was a beautiful haven on the lush jungle edged river... Our traditional Nipa hut was called Clock work orange.

    The best night, was our second night. A twilight boat trip under the stars, searching for Firefly's. It was a night we will never forget, the Milky Way was so close, you could almost touch it! We all saw a shooting star, and eventually found, what could only be described as a rhythmic swarm of stunning Firefly's. AMAZING
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