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  • Day 6


    September 10, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    10th September
    We are out of Germany and into Austria by 9am this morning, it is pouring with rain and the Alps are clothed with thick clouds. There is a huge amount of traffic on the autobahn which surprises us as it's a Sunday. This is our third visit to Austria, the first time we got an on the spot fine for speeding and the second time we got an on the spot fine for not having a 'vignette ' (toll sticker). We have driven across Austria by 10.30am and this time manage not to get a fine. We drive straight into Italy, no stopping or checks but the roads are still very busy and it is still raining with low clouds. We notice a difference in the price of fuel, it's 1.83€ here and we are pleased that we were advised to fill up in Germany where it was 1.05€
    We arrive at our hotel in San Zeno di Montagna it has taken us a while to find it as it's in a village high up above Lake Garda but we have a balcony with a lovely view of the lake. Go out to eat at a very nice Italian restaurant, when we ask the waiter if he can translate an item on he menu he tells us what it is in German! Finish off the evening with drinks in the hotel bar. We are hoping the sun will be shining tomorrow.
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