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  • Day 15

    Zebra crossing

    October 6, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    Still raining :-( - you'd think coming to South Africa it would be lovely, warm and sunny, you could go to the beach and swim a bit and relax in the sun...well, that's not the case here. But even though all my clothes are damp and dirty (and being dried in front of the fire) I still enjoy being in this wonderful area. Its not like the dry Savannah one expects in KZN or Krüger Park, but more like a rain forest with lots of beautiful and amazing animals - who don't care about the when going out yesterday we came across the two male lions again, this time relaxing and then one of them just walking by our was nerve-wracking and very special.
    On the way back we were held up by a herd of Elephants, completely mesmerized by their social behaviour I forgot that I was soaked to the bone. Meanwhile its quite 'normal' to be held up by Giraffes, Zebras, Elephants or a Tortoise (Turtle on land), Turtles, Zebra crossing a complete new meaning.
    Jaco, our coordinator, is very passionate about all animals, regardless of their size, and is giving this passion to us. It really makes you think about a lot...
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