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  • Day 2

    Wagga Wagga - Gol Gol

    May 12, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Rain drops fell on our roof all night. Feeling frustrated about the lack of sleep and awake since early hours, we realised it was 6.50 am already. It was still dark outside. As soon as Josie heard us move, she wanted to go outside. The weather was awful and we managed to get on the road by 8.30 am. A quick stop at Narranderra for fuel and the journey continues along the rainy bumpy country road. We knew there was a long trip ahead. By midday we reached Hay and had a quick lunch. The 'highway' is only 2 lanes, in terrible condition, trucks and road trains coming from all direction but what was worse it was just straight and boring. The scenery for sure would have been more interesting with some sunshine but with intermittent rain along the entire way the scrubby landscape did little to lift our spirits. After 4 pm we arrived at Gol Gol, what seemed to be an outer suburb of Mildura. We were pleasantly surprised by the town on the Marrumbigee River. A long walk was the order of the afternoon and then it was time to start cooking dinner. A bottle of wine was consumed - something that we regretted later.Read more