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    • Hari 7

      Veliko Raduha

      31 Agustus 2017, Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After pushing pretty hard for about 4h this morning (the signs indicate 5.5h for that section) I finally got to Koča na Loki. Isn't Loki the ancient norse god of mischief?? (Thank you Stargate for this nugget of wisdom)

      Anyway... left again after only half an hour of break with coffee and water. The idea was to have a late lunch after the big mountain. Unfortunately that meant doing the steepest climb in the hottest hours of the day... and boy was it hot.

      The views from the top however were awesome! Raduha is the first mountain on the trail that's over 2000 meters and it was great just to sit there enjoying the view, pondering life.... and figure out how to get off this mountain again.

      I was a little anxious about the descent since it mentions cables and pegs in the guidebook and I would have preferred my first taste of that to be uphill not down. In general, I really,really don't like going downhill...

      Anyway, it turned out they had changed the path and it was much easier. Mind you, there were still a few moments that got the heart going and it was definitely not a path for those afraid of heights! Finally, after about an hour of downhill hiking/sliding/jumping, I finally get a nice lunch, coffee and break. By now it's about 2.30pm.
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    • Hari 7

      Fangorn forest to Solčava

      31 Agustus 2017, Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The 3rd and final leg of the day was meant to be just 5km down to the valley to Solčava...

      Well, nobody had thought to mention that the path would be the most narrow and gnarly so far on this trail. So, to keep with the Tolkien metaphor (sorry, normal people)... this was now Fangorn Forest, wild, overgrow and with fallen trees and rocks putting obstacles in my path. It was AWESOME! Eventually the going got easier and the views switched on postcard mode. Wow! That's all I can say.... wow!

      By then I had hiked for more than 10 hours, not counting breaks. So with the trail starting to follow forest roads, I was a bit on autopilot and missed a turnoff. Instead of the direct path to the village I kept following the gravel road which lead to an additional hour of walking. Great.

      The day finished with camping in Solčava by the side of a quiet side road. I had asked the neighbours and they said it was fine. There was a stream nearby to freshen up in and I was set up, washed and had dinner just as it started to go dark, roughly 14h after I had set out in the morning.

      What a day, what a day! :)
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