Boy meets girl declares purple, girl giggles, boy's eyes twinkle, connection made, they smile. Boy goes one way, girl goes the other, paths cross again. Girl's eyes twinkle, boy chuckles, share smiles together, then kiss.
New adventures ensue....
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  • Clearwater, Florida

    26 Maret 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We rolled into Clearwater settling into our accommodations at Sta 'N Pla Motel on 333 Hamden Drive. Realizing we were not making check-in before the front desk closed, they called us leaving a lock box with our key so we can get in.

    Word to the wise, Sta 'N Pla has two locations with less than 30 feet of each other, both have pools and the same funky 'Miami Vice' 80"s feel to them.
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  • Food, kisses and laughs!

    26 Maret 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Sage: Landed safely into the arms of my love, headphone blaring music into my ears I was a bit shocked to see a female officer caring an assault rifle strapped across her chest and chatting on her cellphone. Next thing I know I feel my name calling out to me....turning my head there she was! The giggle goddess I call Sami. 💗

    Looking lovely in her flowing white dress with turquoise top, immediately hugs and kisses ensue. After calling my Mom I hand Sami my iPhone and headphone for her to listen to the David Bowie I had playing. While she jammed out and texted I awaited my magic table to return via baggage check, it did and was surprisingly unmolested.

    While in St. Louis terminal I asked if we can have Cuban food upon my arrival and she delivered! Tiny quaint little joint called the Bodega. Vegetarian options menued, being omnivores we went for the chicken and pork plate options. Rice, black beans and plantains along with our excellent cooked choices, washed down with a glass of vino for the lady and a Negro Modelo for myself. We met a great couple from Boston who bought a house in the area 3 days ago, this is where I will let Sami tell the tale....

    Sami: Unfamiliar with Cuban food the chicken Bodega served me was amazing! We shared our bar seating with Michael and Donovan, a very sweet, energetic couple who moved down from Boston and may be reading this right now. They suggested the Cuban sandwich but little did we know we'd end up with after our meal by default. The kind gal when we placed our order got the sandwich for her boyfriend who's plans with her changed. Instead of tossing it. Wuss she doesn't roll like that she gave it to us which I finished the next day in Clearwater.

    Our counter couple Michael and Donovan were gracious and entertaining in conversation excited and a tad jealous of our adventure. After taking a photo with them before they departed we chatted with the staff as they close early on Sunday.

    Upon leaving Cuban Santa Clause approached us looking for $7.50, Sage gave him a dollar and another one from me. He asked Sage for a cigarette which Sage placed one in his lips upon CSC request.
    He wished us a God bless and safe travels over the bridge to Clearwater.
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