Fraser Island 3

Januari 2016
Sebuah petualangan yang singkat namun baik oleh WILL STAY SAFE Baca selengkapnya
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    Fraser Island

    4 Januari 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    At our last day we went to lake webby at another sand dune. We had a 2 kilometres walk which was to much for me 😂🙈
    But it was profitable !! It was like a Spa !!
    There were the little fishes which are eaten the dead skin of your body 😂😍 that was so funny !!
    So this is nearly the end of the fraser story..
    Last but not least:
    I was driven the way to the ferry.. Trust me it was horrible !!! Now I'm sure that I'm a good driver !!! The sand was so deep !! We had to be carefull because the water was comming & we had no fuel !!! But Peter said: keep going!
    We did ! When we arrived at the ferry the whole car was hot !! and smoldered so much !! 😧 best car trip with the best driver ever !! ☺️

    Back at Pippies Beachhouse:
    I was a lucky girl again !! 🙋🏽
    Me & the boy from Kanada from our car had to drive one of the cars to the garage for repairing them & took one of the checked cars back to the hostel for the new groups. First time allone in a 4WD in Australia 😍💪🏼 done !
    The rest of the day I was drinking goon & had a photoshooting with some reptils 😂😂😂
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