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  • День 4

    Day 3 Fraser Island

    12 июня 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We had such an amazing time !
    On the way back.

  • День 4

    Fraser Animals

    12 июня 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    • GOANNA Sand Monitor

    💡Fraser Island is home to 79 species of reptiles, including 19 kinds of snake. The most commonly seen reptiles are the Sand Monitor and the Lace Monitor. These large lizards are often seen around picnic areas. 💡

    Goanna, also known as a monitor lizard, is a close relative of Komodo dragon and one of the largest lizards in the world. There are 25 species of goanna that can be found in Northern and Eastern parts of Australia. Goanna prefers open woodlands and grasslands, but it can be also found near the water, in the swampy areas and in the deserts. Goannas are threatened with habitat loss, disturbance of their habitats (removal of the termite mounds, for example), road accidents and predation by domesticated species (cats and dogs). At the moment, number of goannas in the wild is stable and they are not listed as endangered animals. (Quelle: google)

    • depends on the species
    • on average, goanna can reach 4.6 feet in length and 13 pounds in weight

    • is covered with scales that can be green, black or brown, depending on the habitat
    • desert species are usually brightly colored (yellow to red)
    • body coloration provides camouflage
    • besides the basic color of the body, goanna can be covered with stripes, dots, circles and blotches
    • just like in snakes, long, forked tongue in goanna is used for detection of potential prey
    • tongue flickering collects scent molecules from the air and helps in identification of the next victim

    • goanna is a carnivore
    • it eats insects, other lizards, small mammals and birds, eggs
    • species of goanna that live near the water hunt and eat fish
    • all species of goanna eat remains of dead animals
    • they swallow the whole prey
    • because of that, size of the meal depends on the size of goanna (larger species eat larger prey and vice versa)

    • unlike other lizard species, goanna cannot regrow the missing tail

    • goanna is diurnal (active during the day) animal
    • depending on the species, it may be typical terrestrial (that lives on the ground), arboreal (that lives on the trees) or aquatic (that lives in the water)
    • when faced with danger, goanna will run and climb the nearest tree until it is safe again
    • although goanna walks on all four legs, it sprints using just hind legs
    • when threatened or cornered, goanna inflates the flaps of the skin on its throat and produces hissing sounds to chase away the predator

    • goanna's bite produces strong body reaction, characterized by tissue swelling, blood clothing and intense pain
    • recently, scientists discovered that goanna's saliva contains venom responsible for negative effects of the bite

    • goannas are solitary creatures except during the mating season which takes place during the spring and summer
    • female deposits 3 to 11 eggs in the underground nest or in the termite mound, where temperature and humidity are optimal for the egg development
    • incubation time lasts from 169 to 265 days
    • young goannas fend for themselves from the moment of birth
    • goannas can survive up to 40 years in the wild


    • DINGO

    "Australia's dingo: Not a wolf, not a dog but a distinct species says studys"

    • Dingos are medium-size dogs — 3.5 to 4 feet (1.1 to 1.2 meters) long from head to tail. The tail adds another 12 to 13 inches (30 to 33 centimeters) to their length

    • 22 to 33 lbs. (10 to 15 kilograms), according to National Geographic, and males are usually larger than females

    • most dingos are usually a reddish-orange color
    • some black and white or black and tan dingos do exist, though rare

    • dingos live throughout western and central Australia in forests, plains, mountainous rural areas and desert regions
    • they make their dens in rabbit holes, caves or hollow logs

    • dingos are social creatures that live in groups called packs, though some dingos choose to live alone
    • a pack usually has around 10 members
    • they travel together and hunt together, but rank is highly contested
    • a dominant female and her mate lead the pack, with the dominant male as the ultimate pack leader
    • the dominant female kills the offspring of the other females in the pack
    • the members of the pack take care of the dominant female’s young
    • dingos are territorial, however they don’t usually fight over territory with other packs
    • though dingos typically stay around their birthplace, they can travel 6.0 to 12.4 miles (10 to 20 kilometers) per day looking for food within their territory

    • dingos are the largest land predator in Australia and are considered apex predators ("top of the food chain")
    • for the most part, dingos are carnivores that eat meat, but they also eat fruit, grains and nuts at times
    • small to medium game is usually what’s on the menu
    • a typical meal for a dingo includes a rodent, rabbit, bird or lizard, according to National Geographic

    • once a year females typically give birth to around five offspring after a gestation period of around 63 days
    • baby dingos are called pups
    • at 6 to 8 weeks, the pups are fully grown and ready to separate from their mother
    • at 3 years, they find a mate and often mate for life
    • dingos typically live around 13 years
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  • День 5

    Back To Rainbow Beach

    13 июня 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    • Lookout Rainbow Beach 🌾
    • Some shopping
    • overnight bus