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  • Day 19

    Sunday on our own

    February 19, 2023 in Spain

    The Armstrong's left at 6.30 this morning to catch the plane home from Malaga 2.5 hrs drive away. Not without drama - the exit barrier from the car park wouldn't rise so the remote assistance told us to lift it manually which with some effort we did and they escaped.

    I went to mass at the cathedral today as usual but the place was packed, with plastic chairs in all the aisles and chapels and only standing room in the remaining spaces. I don't know what the special occasion was but there were 5 bishops and over 50 priests there. After mass there was a procession through the streets of Jerez with groups carrying hundreds of banners and a band! They seemed to be from parishes all over this part of Andalucia - I heard groups from Chipiona and El Bosque. I think they were the confraternities that take part in Semana Santa but there were none of the big heavy statues today.

    It has been very quiet in our apartment this afternoon and we are already missing our visitors.
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