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  • Day 33

    Last two days in Seville

    March 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Yesterday morning was not so cold as the day before but mostly cloudy. We went first to see some Roman columns in situ from a temple but it turned into quite a hunt as they were not where marked on the map. In the end they were probably not worth the bother except to see that the current street level in Seville is 14 feet higher than in Roman times.

    Next we went to the Hospital de Caridad to see some paintings but it was closed for a wedding until 2pm. Not the best start to the day. So we went across the river to Triana market which was good and we bought some ceps - oyster mushrooms - to saute for supper. We had lunch by the river which was still pleasant without the sun.

    We returned to the Caridad and enjoyed seeing some Murillo paintings in the chapel for which they were created.

    This morning we diligently went round all 14 rooms of the Museo de Belles Artes looking at Spanish paintings from the 15 century to current day. I don't want to see any more paintings of saints or fat cherubs for a very long time.

    Just as we sat down to have lunch at a pavement cafe our luck ran out and it started to rain heavily. They had no tables free indoors so we left and took refuge in a restaurant we went to a few nights ago. We didn't regret it. It is the best cooking we have found in Seville and we had another good meal.

    Now it's packing time as we leave for the airport at 9.00 tomorrow.
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