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      Cycling Tour of Nungwi

      10. Februar 2018 in Tansania

      Woke up early to have breakfast and get ready for my Cycling adventure. At 8:45 am prompt, a representative of the cycling company was already waiting for me with a bicycle. We rode off into the morning breeze, to his office located in Nungwi village, passing beside boat makers. The seat was a bit hard so I chose another bike with a padded seat. The fee for the cycling adventure was $30 but I negotiated a discount since it was going to be a large group of 19. I waited about 20 mins before a group of Denmark students joined and we then set off on a 12km ride.

      First stop was at a village with a cave. We explored the cave network looking at the stalagmite formations with the tour guide trying to show us animal shapes within it. Thereafter we proceeded to a village to watch blacksmiths making nails after which we proceeded to a Portuguese ruin and then an underground freshwater pond, other members of the group dived into the pond for a quick swim. I didn’t join the swimmers, instead I stayed back with the tour guides who were washing and preparing various fruits for the groups refreshment. I drank coconut water and ate the soft coconut inside using a spoon fashioned from the coconut husk, thereafter I ate one of the giant mangoes.

      After the group had refreshed we started the ride back to Nungwi, after a few meters of pedaling, I knew I wasn’t up to the strenuous ride back, fortunately the tour guy on a motor cycle coming behind noticed, stopped and asked me to give the bicycle to one of his colleagues and join him on the motor bike, that was how I was saved and whisked back comfortably.

      Had fish Pilau lunch as Coco bean and retired to the beach to read and later settled my outstanding bill, since I was leaving early. The outstanding bill came up at Tsh 40,000

      At 8:30 pm I called the the taxi man I had negotiated with earlier to come take me to Kendwa Rock for the beach party. Paid Tsh 15,000 as entrance fee and had an expensive buffet dinner of Tsh 25,000 for chicken and rice and Tsh 8,000 for Kilimanjaro beer.

      There were very few guests, mainly Muzungus at the venue. At 10:00 pm I called the taxi man to come pick me and lo and behold the venue came alive as dancers came on stage starting with a Michael Jackson imitator who danced quite well, this was followed by a cultural group dancing to African beats and then a two-lady hip-hop dance team. These acts were rotated until I eventually left at about 10:45 pm when they all came on stage for a final dance. In all it was a good outing. I got back to the hotel shortly after 11:00 pm.

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