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  • Dag 24

    Day 24: Land Ho’

    15 januari, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    The bridge crew is guiding the Neptune westward. The sun is setting ahead of us. We will make port in Honolulu, Hawaii ahead of schedule. Sneaking out the port side door I am able to grab a snap of one of the Hawaiian Islands. “Land Ho” the lookout shouts!

    It’s about 5:30 pm Hawaiian time. No plans for dinner tonight. After our huge duck dinner last night - we think we need to take a break - Tomorrow we will explore Hawaii.

    Let’s recap today’s activities.

    Out of bed after 8:00 AM totally missed the sunrise.

    8:30 AM breakfast at Mamsen’s - Donna had her oatmeal & fruit, and I the famous Mamsen’s waffle, extra fruit, 2 cappuccino’s, and a smoothie of the day. The waffle is made up of hearts in memory of the heart shaped waffle the owner of Viking’s Grandmother use to make.

    Then it was off to our Art Class. Deborah Ayres , an Australian Artist continues to lead amazing classes on various skills & techniques using watercolor. I have taken art courses where the instructor just tells you to draw or paint without real guidance on technique & skills. Deborah is working with all of us - no matter our skill level - it’s a great way to spend an hour on a sea day.

    After art class, I head to Guest Services, where Jordan, and others, are always there ready to help everyone, no matter how big or small the concern. I needed to set up an excursion and to learn the details of policy to get on and off the ship while at port for the next two days. Bottom line if we are not onboard on Wednesday by 1:00 PM we will be swimming to Tahiti.

    After connecting with Jordan, I locate one of my favorite Bartender’s on deck 1 by the Living Room Bar - Igor serves me a nice glass of wine - just because.

    It’s now heading towards lunch time (say 12:30). Donna is finishing up her laundry - I relax on a lounge chair waiting her arrival. And “No” she is not doing my wash while I relax. I have to do my own.

    Lunch at the World Cafe - I found a nice wine pairing to go with my Chocolate Sorbet.

    (1:50 pm ) So, being a newly retired IT guy - I have turned into tech support for some of my fellow traveller’s. Especially those that are learning how to use this “Find Penguins” app. I really don’t mind - it has been a great way to meet people otherwise I might not have met. - So, it’s okay to ask me techie questions. I connected up with Jay - Helped him with a couple of simple Find Penguins question - Jay is ready to go.

    At 3:30 pm Donna & I headed to Trina Beckett’s Writing Workshop - Today we learned about writing “Flash Fiction”. Actually, it is “Flash <any Genre>”. What was really great is when different members of the audience read “bits” they wrote.

    As we left Trina’s session a couple of people came up to me and told me they enjoyed reading my Find Penguins blogging on our adventure. Many of you have as well - I can’t thank you enough for your kind words of encouragement. I am having fun writing the story - it’s an added plus that some of you are enjoying the read.

    It’s 6:03 P.M. the Explore’s lounge, below me on deck 7, it is getting hectic - as people have a before dinner drink - the music plays - It’s just a totally cool vibe. I think I could live on this ship forever. Life is good.

    #myvikingjourney #myvikingstory. #vikingneptune
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