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  • Giorno 35

    Day 35: Marshall Update - And More

    26 gennaio, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

    Today is a sea day - We slept in after spending 8 hours in the back of 4x4 pickup truck trekking through the Tahitian jungles. More on those adventures (Day 34) once I edit done the photos.

    Up at 8:45 A.M.

    Today we rushed through a quick breakfast at the World Cafe. Here are some pics of the view from our floating dinning room window, along with today’s breakfast. Got to our 10:00 AM art class at 9:40 - chairs are already filling up - the paint is already flying in the air, as people get caught up with uncompleted projects. Today, we start our Sea Turtle project.

    My protege, Marshall, finished his shadow box project, he added three fish to the scene. He didn’t require any assistance at all. You can see his finished work. Please shout out a comment to Marshall - this is his first ever art endeavor. I think we have unleashed a hidden creative …. We will keep you up to date on any future pieces by Marshall. His work will be on exhibit at the Wintergarden Show to be coming in just a few days. I am sure it can be purchased at just the right price.

    Meanwhile, I finished up my dancers and started the sea turtle project, while Donna finished up her bookmark project. At 11:00 people were still deeply engaged in their work, Donna and I closed up the place at noontime right as Captain Richard was giving his daily nautical update. I am sure happy he knows where we are — I surely don’t …. If I end up in a lifeboat? I’m doomed.

    Before lunch we did our walk. Donna 6 laps = 1.5 miles - Paul 4 laps = 1 mile. Then we had lunch back at the World Cafe. After lunch we both had just stuff to do. Photos, blogging, talking to folks along the way.

    I needed some help from guest services, once again Aimee is there to quickly solve my issue. In talking with her, I learned she is from Peru. I showed her pics of Dome homes available to rent in the Sacred Valley in Peru - I want to go there - Her face lite up as she talked about how peaceful it is there. I am now convinced more than ever that will be a place we will be traveling to in the future.

    On deck two, the castway’s from the USS Minnow were busily working on their escape raft for the upcoming boat competition. Will it float? We will soon see.

    Before coming on this our first cruise, I was a bit upset about so many days at sea. A big part of the experience is what happens on sea days - it’s not just about the excursions. People read, work on their needle point, paint, journal, write, do puzzles, attend shows and lectures, talk with new and old friends. We eat a lot. You can drink as much as you want - or not. Go to the gym, the spa, walk around the ship and view the art work (all of which have audio numbers you can punch in and listen to information about each and every piece). The Neptune is a floating art museum. So, do a regret the number of sea days? No, not at all. I need them just to catch up on my blog.

    Thank you all for your continued support and kind words as you follow along. It means a lot to me and Donna. Our real goal is to create the book that FindPenguins will create for us … in the meantime if some of you are enjoying the journey through our eyes - that’s a bonus.
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