  • 日30

    Emma Gorge

    2023年6月1日, オーストラリア ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Last day at El Questro today, and we spent it mostly at Emma Gorge, a short drive away.

    But first, one more dip at Zebedee Springs!. All three kids love the warm water, and would happily stay there all day I’m sure, building rock dams and clambering from one pool to the next. We did get there a little later this time, though it didn’t feel much busier - that said the top section, apparently fancier than lower, was already full of Insta models (Self titled).

    On to the last gorge we will see here, and another day of walking and climbing up rocks. It’s fantastic to see the boys’ confidence growing each time on these treks - they have their little backpacks with water, an apple and a muesli bar (plus a floaty for Max), and they are ready to take on the world.

    We had a tense moment when Max came upon a snake on the track. The snake was quite upset, ‘rearing up’ to our presence. Thankfully, Max’s backpack also comes with a handy carry handle, which can be grabbed to yank him out of harms way in an instant. The jury is out on what type of snake it was, I (Wiebe) suspect a water python, based on its colour and that it went swimming. Shanti suspects a king brown snake, which is a lot more scary.

    The final pool is as beautiful as it is cold. To give an indication, Shanti experienced numb feet afterwards - something she had never had before from cold. Children don’t feel the cold, though I did notice they stayed in the sunny spot, and where a warm spring entered the pool…

    Emma Gorge is a separate resort, set up to cater for a fancier crowd, and it showed. Lush green grass, a poncy bar complete with snooty waiters. Naturally, we completely ignored this, and drank a beer and ate ice creams whist stinking of the day’s walk with three kids playing loudly on the lawn.

    We finished the day at a lookout over the Pentecost and Cockburn ranges. A bit of a push, as it was getting late (sunset usually is, on an infant’s time scale), but worth the effort. We had hoped to spot a ‘salty’ (saltwater crocodile) however no luck yet this trip…

    Thanks for the comments back too by the way - we L ove reading them all!