St Lucia

January 2022
Travelling is back ON.
Cocktails, Caribbean, calypso.
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  • Day 1

    St Lucia

    January 8, 2022 in Saint Lucia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Ok, so this is cheating a little bit. This was our first trip together post-pandemic. The genesis of the trip was way back in May 2020 when we'd planned to travel to Japan to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Over the following two years, it was a trip to the Maldives, a couple of weeks in South Africa, a backpacking adventure across Bali, and a last-minute Thailand trip. Finally, FINALLY - we got to travel in January 2022, and decided that a couple of weeks sitting on a beach with cocktail in hand was probably what we needed...

    We didn't exactly 'do' a lot on this trip. Hectic schedule of sleep, breakfast, nap, late morning rum punch, lunch, nap, mid afternoon rum punch, probably another mid afternoon rum punch, nap, rum punch, dinner, rum punch, sleep. I mean - now I see it written down, it's making me sleepy....
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