• Day 175

    Things that happen on the way

    March 9, 2024 in Rwanda ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    I have considered taking the bus for a while, because the heat, monotonous landscapes, and mud was getting to me. But I didn't want to give up on either Tanzania or the trip. And I wanted to experience these landscapes the best way I know how to: by cycling.

    Well I had to cross a few rivers (because I chose a recommended "shortcut"), maneuver through a mudpool (without again being stuck), but everything went well. Then actually the landcape gradually became greener, and after about 100 kilometers I stumbled on huge boulders in nature; I have no idea where they came from but it was an amazing sight! (Sorry for the bad pictures.) And then I almost got lost in a very Dutch-seeming landscape —except it was ricefields instead of polders—but as in a miracle a sign showed up, saying " jana-isaka road": Exactly where I was headed. And the road was a decent, newly built, gravel path, not flooded anywhere; a miracle or gift from above, saying I should continue.

    After that I went fasttracking my way to Kigali, only paved roads and following the quick route, to get there as soon as possible. I haven't done this much cycling during the entire trip, but I loved pushing it to finish the 1100 or so km in around a week. I also got some help from locals giving me momentary pulls; even an old man who was cycling faster than all the kids did.

    So I am now in Kigali, and will probably end this blog here. It's been fun. Although I ended it with a flu in Kigali and just spent a few days in bed.

    I guess I will end this with life lessons I have learned:

    Bring a towel
    Bring a toothbrush for cleaning your chain
    Bring ducttape (it has saved my trip on numerous occasions: and the cargo of others)
    Bring zipties
    Keep your chain clean
    Chamois cream rocks
    Get a better saddle
    I have not gotten enough of cycling yet
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