Medellin, my new home

For the next 4 weeks Medellin is going to be my home. 4 weeks of Spanish school and discovering a city with a lot of history
For the next 4 weeks Medellin is going to be my home. 4 weeks of Spanish school and discovering a city with a lot of history
There are 2 different cable cars in Medellin that give you an amazing view over Medellin. One is going across Comuna 13, the favelas of Medellin... I will get my own impressions from there one day
Close to Peñol we got picked up by a few jeeps, having "comfortable" seats on the roof. the view was great though. After a 20min drive we got to Escobar's most famous property. The area is stillRead more
After the interesting Escobar tour and the paintball session we made it to Guatape. A very small but colourful town with many nice coffeeshops including live music by local people. After a break inRead more
After the tour in Guatape I decided to do another Escobar tour in Medellin as I was very interested in the whole history and development of the drug traffic. Escobar owned more than 200 properties inRead more
It was the most impressive day so far. We went to the favelas with a guy from school who knows the people there. The conditions there were just unbelievable, as they have to fight for their lifeRead more
Starting without any Spanish I was able to learn a lot in 4 weeks at the Nueva Lengua school in Poblado, Medellin. The teachers and the other students made it a great first experience in SouthRead more
After my school in Medellin my uncle decided to come to Colombia to go travelling for 2 weeks. As a big surprise for me also my dad and Daniel ended up in Medellin for a vacation. We spent 4 days inRead more
Nach den Tagen in Medellin reisten wir per Flugzeug weiter nach Cartagena. Bei angenehmen 35 Grad verbrachten wir einen gemütlichen Nachmittag in der Stadt. Natürlich gabs einige Jass-partien undRead more
On the 3rd day in Cartagena Daniel left us to fly to Schottland for some good beers. The 3 of us left decided to do a city tour where they showed and explained us the whole history of Cartagena. VeryRead more