• Dag 13

    Birthday in Brunei

    13 januari, Brunei ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    We opened the door to find a birthday cake for Wayne on the door! (I strongly suspect Darla & Rick.)

    After breakfast in Crossings, we went to the theater for our excursion, and met up with J&G & C&S so we could get on the same bus for the excursion.

    First stop was the Mosque - gorgeous golden dome & minarets. They have a walkway dedicated to doffing and donning ones shoes. The Royal Gates are quite impressive.

    We proceeded to the Royal Regalia Museum - dedicated to ceremonies in the life of the Sultan. There were a couple of Royal carriages- one completely manual from the coronation, and another motorized from the 25th anniversary. I found a silver tray presented by the Girl Guides.

    Then to the Water Village- 10,000 people live in houses on the water. We went to a house where we were given tea and some local specialties.

    Then to another mosque, and back to the ship.

    Dinner was at Le Bistro - French cuisine. Hoki for Wayne, beef tenderloin for me, and Marquis de Chocolat for dessert.

    A great end to another great day.
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