• Dzień 26

    Welcome to Kenya!

    26 marca 2024, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    A local dance group met us at the pier in Mombasa, Kenya. They even handed out fresh coconuts for us to enjoy. How I love those!

    I only managed to take a few photos, however, before the Kenyans pulled me into the dance with them!

    The first dance involved a lot of shoulder shimmying. In another dance, a man handed me a wand with animal hair to wave around. The moves for that one required hip swiveling along with some really intense eye contact!

    My dad visited Kenya many years ago and taught me a few words in Swahili, so I understood a tiny bit as they sang: “Jambo jambo” (hello), “Kenya karibu” (welcome to Kenya), and “Hakuna matata,” (no worries.)

    That last bit I actually learned from Disney, but it’s a common saying that you will hear all over Africa. (I also learned that Simba means “first son,” which gives me a sudden urge to watch “The Lion King” again!)

    We hadn’t even left the pier and Mombasa already felt like an adventure!
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