February 2023

February 2023 - June 2024
Sailing to Africa, rounding the cape, & crossing the Atlantic! Read more
Currently traveling
  • 67footprints
  • 8countries
  • 502days
  • 376photos
  • 2videos
  • 12.3kmiles
  • Day 13


    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    You may not think you know what breadfruit looks like, but if you’ve ever seen a Hawaiian shirt, you probably recognize the leaf.

    Breadfruit leaves are a popular design motif throughout the tropics. But why?

    The tree is native to the tropics, and its fruit is more savory than sweet. So like potatoes and rice, it can provide a hearty staple.

    Not only did the native peoples of Oceania spread breadfruit across the region, but during colonial times, breadfruit was used to feed slaves.

    Locals often tell me how tasty it is, but I’ve yet to eat any. I saw breadfruit chips (like potato chips) for sale in the Seychelles, but I didn’t have any money on me at the time. One of these days!
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  • Day 13

    Village House

    February 13, 2023, Indian Ocean

    As we wandered along the main path through the village, Lachaka waved our group to one side.

    “Come this way,” he said, steering us down a narrow walkway.

    “Where are we going?” people asked.

    “A woman wishes to show you her house,” he explained.

    Sure enough, a woman stood in front of a small hut. As we approached, she smiled and beckoned for us to come closer.

    I looked for a place to leave a tip, but Lachaka said, “No, no. She doesn’t want money. She only wants you to see her house.”

    Most people declined, but to me it felt rude not to take up her offer.

    A French couple stepped forward with me, and we walked inside her home. The front porch was a tire filled with sand, and playing cards were strewn about the entrance. (Everything else was so tidy that I wonder if the cards were there on purpose, but I don’t really know.)

    The interior of her home was sparse but very tidy. Bundles of flowers hung from the walls creating a lovely aroma as well as cheery decoration.

    The woman did not speak English, and I don’t know any Malagasy, but I did my best to convey my gratitude with a smile.
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  • Day 13

    Flower Children

    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    Our guide on the west side of Madagascar mentioned that, “In your movies, the men give their women flowers for the day of love, but we would never do that here.”

    “Why not?” a Swiss woman asked. “Flowers are romantic.”

    “Maybe to you,” Philippe laughed, “but not to my people. Here, we only give flowers at funerals. If I bring flowers to my wife, she will think I wish her to die!”

    Meanwhile, on the east side of Madagascar, villagers displayed young children under woven bowers decorated with colorful blossoms. Each child had a hat nearby to collect tips.

    I tossed dollars in as many hats as possible as Lachaka whisked us through the village.
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  • Day 13

    Chameleons in Toamasina

    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    Some of the village kids in Madagascar make money by letting tourists like me pose with chameleons.

    Another group of kids had some cute little animals in a bucket with a hat nearby for tips. Do you know what type of animal they are? I wasn’t able to find out.

    Chickens wandered all over the village and I was surprised by how long their legs are.
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  • Day 13

    Pangalanes Canal

    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    Today we docked in Madagascar’s main seaport, Toamasina, and explored the area nearby.

    “Toamasina” means “it’s salty” and there’s a funny story behind the name. Many years ago, a man who had grown up in the highlands of Madagascar visited.

    He was thirsty after his long voyage, so he took a big swig of seawater only to exclaim, “It’s salty!” Somehow the name stuck.

    Our guide for the day was a fellow named Lachaka, which means “destiny” in Malagasy.
    The first part of our tour in Toamasina was a tour down the Pangalanes Canal.

    While a man steered the boat from the stern, a third guy stood on the bow keeping an eye out for any debris that might get tangled in our outboard engine along the way. (Even so, the boat broke down a couple of times during our trip.)

    Lachaka explained that the section of the canal we were on was man made during the colonial period and that, “Many, many workers died while digging here. Conditions were very bad, like slavery.” (This is a familiar refrain for canals of the world, alas.)

    These days, locals rely on the canal for fishing and trade. For many, this waterway is their main avenue for travel.

    Lachaka taught us how to say “hello” in Malagasy. People were quick to wave and return our greetings as we floated by.

    By the way, even though people do laundry in the canal, the women holding the sheet in these photos are using it to fish.

    Other things that piqued my interest included boats with sails made from rice bags, as well as the voluptuous carving on the prow of a ship.

    And while we’d been warned to keep an eye out for crocs, I did not expect to see a pink one today!
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  • Day 13

    Toamasina Market

    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    Armed soldiers stood at many intersections in Toamasina, a sight that always makes me uneasy.

    The local market was big and bustling. I noticed men with t shirts labeling them as security patrolling the perimeter outside.

    When a young girl approached us with a basket of green oranges, one of the guards chased her off, while brandishing his billy club. I hadn’t planned to buy any, but I felt sorry for her nonetheless.
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  • Day 13

    Toamasina Dancers

    February 13, 2023 in Madagascar

    The people of Toamasina have interacted with sailers for centuries and it was easy to see and hear the European influence in their local culture.

    Once again, our ship was met with lively dancers. We also saw dancers during our fruit buffet, and while walking through the local village.

    It was a hot and humid day full of bright colors and new to me cultures.
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  • Day 14

    Rainy Day on Reunion Island

    February 14, 2023 in Réunion ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    We had a mellow day on Reunion Island. The rain made it too foggy to justify a taxi tour, so we took a shuttle into Port Louis and wandered around, instead.

    We’d heard that due to the French influence here that the bakeries were quite good, but hardly any were open today.

    There was a place called “O’Tacos” that claimed to be home of “the original French taco.”

    Say what?

    At that point, however, I was holding out for a chocolate croissant, but as mentioned before, most places were closed.

    During our stroll we passed a colorful Hindu temple, but it was also closed today.

    I did buy a pair of beach sandals to replace the ones that fell apart on the Seychelles, as well as a colorful dress that was locally made.

    As I said, it was a very mellow day!
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  • Day 15


    February 15, 2023 in Mauritius ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    We leisurely taxi tour in Mauritius. The town was pretty dingy, but we enjoyed the local market.

    Larry bartered long and hard with the man you see in the photo. They were having a good time, though, and other shopkeepers were chuckling over the intense negotiation, as well.

    I got a kick out of the “hipster Shiva” t shirt. There’s quite a mix of cultures here, since after slavery was abolished in the 1800s, many folks came from India to work the sugar cane fields. (Of course, even though they were not technically slaves, the conditions weren’t exactly great, either.)

    The market smelled of curry and fresh fruit. Dodo birds were a common design motif here, since this is where they once thrived.

    In fact, as part of Larry’s wheeling and dealing, the shopkeeper gave us some Mauritian currency featuring a dodo bird.

    After the market, our cabbie took us to a beach that locals enjoy. We had it all to ourselves because it was a weekday.
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  • Day 19

    Crime in Durban

    February 19, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    Of all the places we have visited in our many travels, Durban has the dubious distinction of being the place where the most people we know were mugged!

    A trio of friends went for a stroll around 10 a.m. They didn’t get far before a couple of men ran up and attempted to steal one guy’s fanny pack.

    As he struggled with his assailants, some locals came up and helped chase the attackers off.

    None of the victims were walking alone, at night, or in areas that seemed “dodgy.” One attack occurred within sight of the ship, very close to the dock.

    No one was hurt, at least, although one criminal put his hands around a woman’s neck as if to choke her. Scary!

    Meanwhile at the beach, a woman had her cellphone snatched from her hands and she relaxed in the sun.

    These are just a few of the muggings we heard about. All of them were in broad daylight!

    We took the ship’s tour today, and they only let us off the bus once. Along the way, we passed sign after sign for “armed response” security companies.

    Barbed wire and electric fences were on the perimeter of every apartment and house. Many had guards sitting at the entrance.

    As we drove through the downtown, our guide said, “This is a bad part of town. Don’t go walking here.”

    After all the stories I heard today, I certainly believe her!
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