Amerika Serikat
Metzler Brook

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    • Hari 5

      Photos from The Met

      11 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Photos 2 and 3 are taken from the roof garden. The very tall skinny building on its own is the tallest residential building. It is quite mpressive
      The last photo is the outside of the building

    • Hari 3

      A few words about other things

      9 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      As with our last trip, there are certain differences we notice. The technology here is quite amazing from the self flush toilets to the ordering systems to the technology in Andrew's car. Andrew has a Tessla which is a fully electric car. The dashboard is space age with two screens giving him all sorts of information. He has an enormous GPS screen and another one which shows him where he is within the lane and where the other vehicles are. Poppy is fascinated by the door handles which pop out when Andrew approaches the vehicle. Mercina likes the extra boot space in the front where the engine is in regular cars.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      A long day in the hot sun

      10 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Apologies for the infrequency of the posts. We left the hotel at 9am yesterday and didn't return until midnight. It's now 9am and we are struggling to wake up and get moving.

      We drove into town and went for a walk around the Meatpackers District. As the name suggests, this is where al the butchers congregated. Even though they have been gone over 30 years, the place still smells heavily of meat. The architecture is very industrial. This is now a trendy place to live and has many designer stores.

      From there we walked to the Highline. This was an old elevated railway line which had been decommissioned a long time ago. It has been turned into a lovely walkway with gardens and pleasant places to sit. All around there are highrise apartment buildings and you can see right into the rooms.One building had claw foot baths which overlooked the walkway!

      We had lunch in a typical New York Deli. It was full of construction workers.

      After lunch we caught a taxi to the wharf. Poppy has been most impressed by Andrew who just steps out into the road and hails a cab. It was her turn and she was pleased to flag one down.

      We took a cruise around Manhattan Island. This was a great way to see the city from the outside. We saw lots of famous buildings and our tour guide was excellent. We understood most of his jokes. For me, the best bit was when we sailed up to the Statue of Liberty. She was an awesome sight and something I had been wanting to see. The cruise was 2.5 hours and went right around the island. It was a great trip.

      After the ride, we went for a walk to see the Rockerfeller Centre. I always thought this was one building but it turned out to be 12. We also visited St Patrick's church which was pretty spectacular.

      Finally we made it to Times Square. It was full of people and very loud - both aurally and visually. There were huge screens everywhere you looked an it was quite dizzying to see. It reminded me a lot of Las Vegas as you could have your photo taken with characters - eg Mickey Mouse, Statue of Liberty etc. It was a great place to sit and watch the people go by although I did feel quite dizzy as there was way too much going on.

      Andrew and Mercina went off to get Oliver and Eva while Poppy and I wandered around. We found a Starbucks and sat outside using their free wi fi. We also visited a souvenir shop and Poppy is now the proud owner of a sparkly New York cap!

      Going to have breakfast now. Will finish this story later
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    • Hari 4

      A Long Day in the Hot Sun - part 2

      10 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      So I finished this story and then something happened to the computer and now I have to start again!

      Andrew and Mercina met up with Oliver and Eva and brought them back to Times Square. The kids were very excited to show their cousins their home town. We started with a trip to Dave and Buster's which is an amusement arcade. They had a great time playing all the games for an hour or so.

      We took the subway to a restaurant for dinner. It was just like in the movies - crowded!

      Dinner was at a nice pub where we had another great meal. It is so much more fun travelling with a local as they know all the best places to go. A word about the meals - they are huge. I shared mine with Eva and it was still too much.

      It was a long drive home as we were exhausted. Bed by midnight.
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    • Hari 4

      Thing I learned in Times Square

      10 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Jesus is coming, so it's time I repented my sins

      The aliens have killed some man's family which is why he is begging in the street.

      The CIA are part of a conspiracy designed to destroy civilisation

      You can wear any outrageous clothing you want and no one bats an eyelid.
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    • Hari 4


      10 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      This morning we had a later start. We drove to the Upper West Side and parked. We tried to find a park on the street (which is free) but we couldn't find one on the right side of the road. It turns out that every second day, the street sweepers clean the streets so all the cars parked on the north side had to be moved by 11:30am until 2pm else they would be towed. Apparently what they do is at 11:30am the people parked on the north, double park their cars on the south side (one way streets) until 2pm when they move them back!

      We walked through Central Park and around the Jackie Kennedy Reservoir. The park was quite lovely and green.

      We visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or The Met) which is on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. This museum is full of artworks from different countries and different eras. We started in the Egyptian section and saw mummies and frescos filled with hieroglyphics. It was quite fascinating to learn about the techniques they used to preserve people. From there we moved to the American Wing followed by Arms and Armour. I really enjoyed seeing the knights and the different suits of armour. The Medieval Art was spectacular and they were playing some dramatic music which really set the scene. Things came a little unstuck in the European Paintings section when I heard Andrew and Mercina casing the joint. We figured out that each Monet was worth approximately $7Million and they were trying to figure out how to take one! Eva encouraged us to take a trip to the Roof Garden where we saw some spectacular views. We ended our time at The Met reviewing our own cultural artifacts in the Greek and Roman Art room.

      Andrew took us to Lennich (a famous NY deli) which was further uptown. We had to get two taxis for the 6 of us. I managed to flag one down straight after Andrew and was able to utter those magical words "Follow that cab!". Lunch was delicious. We even managed to watch the second half of the France/Belgium semi final - although the commentary was in Spanish.

      After lunch we took a walk to the Dakota Building where John Lennon lived and died. It was a special moment for me. Luckily there were no other tourists when we were there so I had plenty of time and space to contemplate. We then walked across the road into Central Park to see Strawberry Fields and the Imagine Memorial. There were heaps of people there. Some had brought flowers. A man was playing John Lennon songs on his guitar and we were all singing along. It was great to sit there and reflect on his life and his death and the impact he made on the world. I am really glad we did this as it was something I was really looking forward to seeing.

      On our way back, we stopped in at the NY Barber Museum which was run by a couple of guys who were quite passionate about the history of barbering in NY. Thy gave us a full guided tour of the place. It was very interesting.

      The kids wanted to take the girls to their favourite frozen yoghurt place , 16 Handles. Everyone had a great time selecting their yoghurts and their toppings.

      By now it was 5pm and we were all a bit tired so we returned to the hotel. The kids went for a swim and I updated my blog and had a nap.

      At 8pm we went to Rosa Mexicano for dinner. We enjoyed the food although there was too much of it again!

      Another great day. Andrew is an awesome tour guide. It has been fun seeing where he lived and worked and also learning about the city. We have covered heaps of ground and we have seen a lot. I do have photos to share and I hope to put more up in the morning.
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    • Hari 4

      A word about taxis

      10 Juli 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      A lot of what we know about NY is from the movies and TV programs. The taxis are indeed yellow and you do just step out into the street and flag them down. I don't know how they make money as there seems to be so many of them and they aren't terribly expensive. They have TV screens in the back so you are bombarded with advertisements or sometimes they show news or programs which can be quite interesting. Most of the aren't exactly air conditioned although one taxi had an interesting set up. He had an air con unit in the front to which he connected a cardboard tube to feed the cold air into the back! Another great use for cardboard.

      The taxi drivers have all been polite and friendly. They have also all been foreigners. Many of them spend most of their time talking on the phone in their mother tongue while navigating their way through the traffic. It's crazy!
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