United States
Sully Creek State Primitive Park

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    • Day 36

      Adventure in North Dakota

      July 19, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      The boys met some great friends from California while camping at Sully Creek State Park. The new friends were avid fishers and invited the boys down to the creek to see what they could catch. The first night yielded a couple big catfish! The next day all the boys wanted to do was fish at the creek. It was good timing because Dada had bought a couple of fishing rods the day before. Weston was lucky enough to reel in the "beast" catfish after only a short time. The boy's mom fried up the catches of the day for dinner.
      We explored the north entrance of the park which was an hour away from our campground. It was equally as beautiful with some interesting geological cannonball rock formations. We thought it looked a bit like a Star Wars land. We also visited the most scenic lookoff which was made in the 1930's by the Civilian Conversation Corps. North Dakota is indeed a gem!
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    • Day 33–38

      Bucket list day in Theodore Roosevelt

      July 16, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We knew this place was going to be special when we arrived at our state campground and our site had an incredible view of the hills that flank the landscape. This area is a place that we've been excited for during the months of planning. We are staying at Sully Creek State Park which is on the doorstep of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
      We started the day off by visiting the visitor center in the South entrance. We were welcomed with the rich history of Theodore Roosevelt and the great work that he did in creating the national park system. We listened to a guided tour of his life and got to tour his original cabin.
      We set off into the park in hunt of scenic views and wildlife. Our first glimpse of wildlife were the prairie dogs. The kids liked them and we showed them the old Alan and Steve prairie dog meme, they thought it was hilarious. A little further into the park we got stuck in a traffic jam of BISON!!! Everyone was amazed at their size and beauty! After we turned the corner we spotted a Coyote roaming a second prairie dog field. Maybe it was lunch time!
      The views in the park are spectacular, every turn another hill and rock formation. William remarked "Why don't more people know about North Dakota?!?! It's amazing!!" We explored the trails and park for a couple hours and headed back to the campground. On the way back we saw wild horses!
      We had a full night planned in attending the pitch fork steak fondue buffet and the Medora musical. The steak fondue is probably what you would imagine. Massive amounts of steak cooked in vats of oil with BBQ style sides: beans, coleslaw, veggies, garlic toast, baked potatoes and donuts and brownies for dessert. Willow commented that she wanted to eat everything on her tray but the beans were sooooo good!!! She had seconds! We walked over to the musical which is in an amphitheater overlooking the hills. The musical was incredible, lots of country songs, old rock and pop classics. I saw a woman wearing a T-shirt that said " Is this heaven? No, you are in Medora!" Her shirt might have been right!
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    Sully Creek State Primitive Park

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