
Haziran - Temmuz 2018
Cycling from Timișoara in the West of Romania, to Constanța, on the cost of the Black Sea Okumaya devam et
  • 49ayak izleri
  • 1ülkeler
  • 15günler
  • 154fotoğraflar
  • 0videolar
  • 722kilometre
  • Gün 6


    26 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Sibiu is a charming medieval city, but way too touristy for my taste. I tend to look down on the cities that live off tourism as I feel that they inherited a trust fund off which they live.

    I used the time spent in the city to grab a bite and recharge a dozen of different batteries as much as possible, as well as to stock up on food for the next stretch of road.

    Leaving Sibiu you pass by a wooden cross erected to commemorate 1599 battle, after which Wallachian ruler Michael the Brave became ruler of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania. Victims of the battle were buried in a mass-grave under this mound. This is a close-up fragment of it.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Race against the clock

    26 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Reaching the Red Tower fortress, built in 1360 by Saxons was easy, although I had to share the road with vehicles, but, I'm used to it. What came afterward, fortified with what's written on the sign on the side of the road just under the fortress, was a nightmare for both me and those coming up behind me.

    The sign said that the road ahead is forbidden for slow vehicles and cyclists. I was stuck. I cannot go back, yet I'm risking a lot if I continue. The road is crawling with road cruisers in both directions, going around me is not an option most of the time.
    And this is how a good stretch looks like. Half a meter of the shoulder, split between tarmac and stone support. And then, stone support would disappear and I was gliding on a foot wide piece of asphalt, looking at the tiny rear-view mirror over my shoulder, trying to recognize if that's a truck or a car coming up behind...and then sprint, go for it, just to pass the next curve, so that the drivers have more space to overtake me.
    The road goes along the valley of river Olt, and it's so busy and dangerous that there is an ambulance car on duty, stationed in the middle of the canyon, in order to minimize response time in case of an accident.

    The length of this nightmarish stretch is 25 km. One eye on the road, one in a rear-view mirror, looking for the approaching headlights, then anticipate the first gust of wind trying to push you off the road, then the next one, after the truck whizzes by, to suck you in. And I'm dancing with a fully loaded bike on a narrow strip of road, trying not to descend onto the lower lip of the older tarmac, because if I do, exiting it requires me to yank the bike onto the road, into the oncoming traffic.
    The most difficult track I ever cycled at. Psychologically draining. 5 km in, I pulled over at a little clearing that appeared out of nowhere, grateful for it, loading myself with sugar and water, seriously considering to ask one of the truck drivers who had a break, to give me a ride out.

    To paint a better picture how narrow it was, here's a photo of that road, taken from an overpass, after I've finished the stretch.

    The imaginary finish line was just after the monastery of Cornel (named after a plant). That's where a smaller road was meeting this Tron-like highway where I planned to break off and find a place to pitch up a tent. I'd sprint for 5 km, then find a ledge to stop and get back some energy, at times just leaning with my bike against...well, the mountain, to the horror of truck drivers. And amidst all that chaos I passed by the aforementioned monastery and saw a nun, reading a book while standing in a doorway, trying to catch more light, as the rainy clouds were engulfing the ceiling above us. It was another moment of zen on this trip. 200 m down the road there was a smaller road I planned to take and, for lack of a better word, I felt saved.

    Definitely a combination of skill and luck for me and no accidents so far.
    Many others were not that lucky. Numerous crosses along the road mark where people lost their lives #acrossRomania. A daily reminder to pay attention while on the road.

    I doubt that anything upcoming will be able to compare to a psychological challenge of this stage. The next one will be climbing the lowest pass over the Carpathians, but from today's perspective, it will be a piece of cake.
    With the Cornet monastery in the background and a hefty treetop above me, I choose this spot to camp tonight.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7


    27 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    By the seventh day, Mario had finished the cycling he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his cycling.

    CycloGenesis 2:2

    Truth to be told, I was stuck in that same spot, for a day longer than had planned or liked, under that tree with a lush treetop, because of the rain. I need it to stop so I can dry and pack up the tent and move on.

    I went to a nearby hamlet looking for a grocery store and a power outlet. I was in luck, a young girl was working in her mom and pop store and she spoke some English, so I installed myself on their little shop porch, bought some sodas, snacks, and candies and started recharging my batteries, literally and figuratively.

    When her younger brother came around with some other kids they started drooling all over my bike.
    Seeing a built-in digital speedometer, alarm and some other sundries, they assumed it was an electric bike. The inevitable question was 'How much did it cost?' Without thinking much I sad 'One hundred thousand..' at which point their jaws dropped. Wait, shit, what did I just say?! I meant to say one thousand! However, even after I corrected myself, stating basically that it doesn't cost 200, but only 2 average monthly salaries in Romania, my brain stopped floating in sugar and caught up with my mouth talking Romanian. Too late. Wait, fret not, The Brain will take over now!

    "Where are you staying?", continued the youngster. The Brain grinned and said out loud "at the monastery", all proud of its improv. God dammit Brain, that's a nun convent! Much theme porn?! (nah, we're keeping it PG, so "The Little Hours"). But the kids were happy with the answer. I mean, it all made a perfect sense. A guy riding a bike, instead of a car, comes through their village, instead of taking the highway, paid his bicycle as much as others pay their cars...him staying in a nunnery is the least weird he uttered in his broken Romanian.
    And here I am, sleeping in the open, with my bike next to my tent, during a rainy and windy night, during which my bike alarm went off several times due to wind and vibrations...or a chubby kid was stealing my bike while I was asleep! 🤨 And definitely, no nuns checking on me! 💃🏻
    Oh, mystery solved, there was a dog wandering around, trying to eat an empty can of mackerel. Chewed through the tin lid, poor beast.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Crossing the Carpathians...the easy way

    28 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    When the rain briefly stopped in the morning I knew it will start as soon as I'm packed and ready to continue #acrossRomania. I wasn't mistaken 😅

    The slow climb to the lowest pass over the Carpathians took me by some wonderful houses. To paraphrase @cyan, it's a style invented by Ion Mincu, after the Romanian unification in 1918, and it wasn't continued after WWII, as the communists tried to distance themselves from the "bad" interwar period trends.
    I found this style really present in central Romania and not that much in western parts, where secession styles, typical architectural remnants of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, prevail. And cities have brutalism in abundance.

    It's raining constantly, so I have rain gear on, which makes me steam up easily. But the wonderful lush green scenery makes it worthwhile.

    The moss looked almost edible.

    The narrow mountain road led me by the monument of ⚔️ the battle of Posada (1330), in which Wallachian (Romanian) army defeated a much larger army of a Hungarian king. A little bit more and I should be at the top of the pass.

    After this tree, that is torn and unsure which way to grow, the track started going downhill. Muddy, rainy, had to hold the brake very often on my way down, but I was over the mountain. If it wasn't for the rain, I wouldn't find this particular climb challenging at all. After all, with its highest peak (⛰️ Moldoveanu peak) at 2544 m (8,346 ft), crossing the same mountain range at the height of roughly 900 m (3,000 ft) feels almost like cheating. 😊
    I was kinda sad though that because of the rain that was following me, I didn't see Moldoveanu in the distance, as I was only 🧭 20 km away from it.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Shelter from the rain

    28 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    A couple of hours later I was in a clean and dry room of a pension in a town called Curtea de Argeș ("Court upon the Argesh"), after arranging with the landlady in my broken Romanian for my clothes to be washed. Actually, I've asked if they have a washing service, they said they don't, but she said she will do it for me. I guess I was very muddy and wet. This pit-stop will also give me a chance to recharge all the devices as well.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    The shrines along the roads

    29 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    The morning weather was not promising, and I kept refreshing my weather apps every once in a while looking for a glimpse of hope manifested in rain not falling for an hour or two. When it happened like that around the noon, I was ready to leave the town and cycle towards dryer south.

    On the stretch of 40 km, that's how much Pitești, the county capital, is away from Curtea de Argeș, one can find numerous shrines next to the road. This one is a bit specific, hence the photo. Unlike the other ones, this one is open towards the road.

    Other shrines are more closed, looking almost shed-like, with the walls inside decorated with icons (think of frescoes, not My Computer), candles, little bench and so on. Families erect them to honor their ancestors and the church blesses them. Often, they would have a well dug next to it.

    I stopped to take a photo, peek into the well, but haven't tried the water though. This well is open, which means a lot of dust and specs floating around. Other wells are mostly closed with a lid and they are in front of people's houses.
    I ate the plums though 😊
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    For the fans of architecture

    29 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    Another one for you architectural buffs.
    Ion Mincu, an architect who was the main promoter of the neoromanian style #acrossRomania, was inspired by the traditional architecture of central Romania.
    Nice summary at 📑 Wikipedia, of course.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    I like it industrial and hard-working

    29 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    This is an accumulation lake on Argeș river, just outside of Pitești. There's another one, right after the city. It looked like a great resource and community asset. Places such as these add so much to the quality of life.

    Forgive me, fathers of architecture, for I have sinned #acrossRomania. I said that I liked Pitești, an industrial city, with nothing much that stands out, more than Sibiu, a medieval town with a rich cultural and historic life. The thing is, Pitești had to work on improving its city center.

    Things were not given to the current generation of people living there on a silver platter. They did not have medieval squares, cobblestone streets... yet they turned a boring city core surrounded by brutalist buildings into a living and breathing promenade.

    The center is full of locals, instead of tourists, the green area felt multidimensional and interactive. Unfortunately, I was not able to capture the spirit I felt, so you'll have to find satisfaction in architectural details 😊

    As I cycled just 40 km today, I decided that I'll not stop in the city or around it, but instead continue further down the road.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Small dogs don't go to heaven

    29 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    I stopped here to admire the view...and to rub some alcohol onto a bite mark made by a dog in a village just a half mile away. It ran after me even after the owner shouted that she must not do that. I didn't see her coming and it felt like I was hit with a stone.
    There, I've survived it. All I have to do now is wipe off this foam around my mouth. 😁
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Fascination with borders

    29 Haziran 2018, Romanya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    With 3 rainbows behind me and a storm with thunders in front of me, I decided to stop here, and by chance, it's also the administrative border between two counties (less than a US state, but more than a US county), Argeș and Dâmbovița. Fascination with borders #acrossRomania.

    Next stop, Bucharest!
    Okumaya devam et