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  • Dzień 20

    A Trip To Pearson Street For An Apple

    7 marca 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    With great sadness, my beloved 9 year old MacBook Pro gave up yesterday. So after a search for the closest Apple store from Port Stephens, we travelled down the coast 65km to Charlestown, just past Newcastle. Jen did spot a Koala in a tree en route so another wildlife experience ticked at 100km/hr, (not the Koala, us driving).

    Destination, PEARSON ST.

    After sorting out a new MacBook Pro at the Apple store, we headed for Newcastle and followed the scenic route, Industrial Drive.

    Newcastle is the largest coal exporting harbour in the world, exporting 159.9 million tonnes of coal in 2017. Beyond the city, the Hunter Region possesses large coal deposits and Newcastle sits on the mouth of The Hunter River. Newcastle is densely populated and is a mix of industrial areas and old heritage buildings in the CBD.

    On 28 December 1989, Newcastle experienced an earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale, which killed 13 people, injured 162 and destroyed or severely damaged a number of prominent buildings.

    We didn’t have time to explore the heritage buildings in Newcastle but found a Harbour restaurant for early dinner and then headed back to Port Stephens. On return, we passed Fighter World where we saw two low flying fighter jets in pursuit and quickly vanish into the distance. By the time we had travelled the 1km to pass by the airport, the fighter jets had already landed and were taxiing on the runway. Amazing.

    Back at home base, I turned my new MacBook Pro on and realised that I have just got back an hour a day of my life as it is super quick compared to my old one so with a heavy heart, I got acquainted. PROBLEM... all my files are backed up in Melbourne so will have to fly home for a day next week to reinstall... doh!!!
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