Jardim de Santos

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    • Day 11

      Lisbon to Porto by train

      May 16 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We woke early to get ready for our 3 1/2 hour train ride to Porto this morning. We walked out of our Airbnb to find Lou's Cafe open just below us. Lou is our Airbnb host. I had s rambled eggs, bacon and toast with a flat white coffee(thinking of you guys Jacob & Nikki)👌Anthony had French toast and Andrew and Joanne had yoghurt, granola and fruit bowls.
      Lou said to contact him if we refer others as he can give better deals and has other Airbnb options. We ordered up our Uber who got us to Santa Appalonia Train Station in plenty of time to find our train and car. We had a smooth train ride and once in Porto ubered to our Boa Vista hotel. It is right on the ocean and the temperatures were much cooler here with winds and a bit of rain. We stored our bags until check in time and walked to find a pharmacy ( a bit of a stuffy nose settling in) and found the Amelia Restaurant. It had a picture of Amelia the dog. The story of the restaurants are based on Olivia and her dogs which you can read in the pictures.
      It was a most excellent lunch of burgers with an amazing curry mayo and Nase Goreng and flat white coffees. We checked in and had some much- needed down time for a few hours. Anthony, Joanne & Andrew walked to the grocery store for meats, cheeses, bread, crackers, beet hummus, guacomole, carrots, tomatoes, chips &cherries for a charcuterie dinner. Joanne picked up some beautiful desserts. We shared the chocolate cake and fruit & custard pavlova. To end our evening we booked a 3 hour walking tour of Porto for the morning.
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    • Day 10

      Odeceixe to Lisbon

      May 15 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We are travelling from Odeceixe to Lisbon this morning via the Rede Bus. We enjoyed an amazing breakfast of scrambled eggs, ham & cheese, bread, fresh melon, homemade berry jam, orange juice and coffee. We said our goodbye's to our lovely Sol Mar hosts and walked.tothe bus stop. We had a 3 hour ride to Lisbon with one close call where our driver had to hit the brakes hard as he came down around a corner to a broken down car😬. Once in Lisbon we took the Metro then walked the rest of the way to our Airbnb to meet Andrew. We were in a spacious Airbnb with a washer so we did a bit of laundry. We had a snack of custard tarts before walking to meet the Windt's for our Lisbon City Highlights & History Tuk Tuk (electric)Tour. We had a chance to catch up and celebrate Tom and Priya's birthdays before heading out to tour the city.

      Stops included:

      Lisbon Cathedral-The Cathedral of Saint Mary Major, is a Roman Catholic cathedral. The oldest church in the city, it is the seat of the Patriarchate of Lisbon.

      Church of Saint Anthony ( Where St Anthony was born)

      Viewpoint of Portas do Sol and Santa luzia- this area had the old painted tiles of Queen Maria, what the Commerce Square originally looked like as well as the battle scene of the Portuguese taking power over the Moors. We also saw the "courting seats" which were used historically to maintain a respectful distance from a suitor.

      Castle district- this district takes you back to the middle ages with very narrow, winding and labyrinth-type streets. It resisted the earthquake of 1755.

      Miradouro da Senhora do Monte (The highest viewpoint of the city). This location has a stone heart on the wall: the heart ❤️ of Lisbon. It also has the stone obelisk that historically, women would touch in hopes of getting pregnant.

      Monastery of Saint Vincent-The Church and Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, meaning "Monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls", is a 17th-century church and monastery. It is one of the most important monasteries and mannerist buildings in the country. The monastery also contains the royal pantheon of the Braganza monarchs of Portugal.

      The National Pantheon took 285 years to complete from the 15th century to the 17th century. It was the first built outside the castle walls.

      Flea market in Alfama which is the site of the longest graffiti wall in Lisbon

      Alfama is the oldest and most characterful district in Lisbon. Historically is situated outside the castle walls and housed the poorest citizens. The monarchy inside the castle walls.looked down upon this district literally. Being a seafaring city, this area also housed sailors and dock workers. Now it is fashionable and trendy. Many of its restaurants have fados that are free). Fado is a music genre which can be traced to the 1820s in Lisbon, Portugal. We saw the original map of Alfama painted on Portugese tiles.

      Commerce square ( One of the biggest squares in Europe) is the location of the original home of the zmo architecture and where the King and his son were murdered. It is now the new entrance to the city ( It was destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami and fires of 1755.

      Pink Street - this was on Rua Nova do Carvalho and had multicolor umbrellas for a photo op. This used to be their Red Light District.

      Time Out Market (Famous Food Market of Lisbon)

      After the tour, our drivers dropped us off in Alfama to have dinner. We said our goodbyes to Priya here.
      We found a restaurant with a free Fado and the Windts, Snows and us had a really nice meal and visit together. I tried the seabass and Anthony had veal and water chestnuts. The Fado singers and musicians were quite good.
      We said our goodbye to the Windts and ubered back to our Airbnb.
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    • Day 4

      Lisbon Day 2

      March 25 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      It was a pretty chillaxed day today, I think we were both pretty tired from the night before. We went for a couple of e-bike rides around the city. We learned the hard way that most of the bikes add almost no assistance, so the hills sucked lol. I felt like I was trying out for tour de France. We had a dinner party at 8:00 last night. Google Maps said it was a 30-minute bike ride, so we grabbed more ebikes, thinking it'd be faster. Nope, it took us an hour still, lol. It was worth it, though, because we had an amazing birthday dinner with Helena and her friends. She was very generous to us!Read more

    • Day 2


      October 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Lissabon Tag 2 starteten wir mit einem free walking Tour, damit wir die 20k Schritte wieder zusammen bekommen 😄 es ging durch Baixo, Chaido und das Barro Alto.
      Wir haben vieles gesehen und gelernt - und haben dann im Trubel des Marathons unsere Gruppe verloren 😀
      Wir sind dann noch durch Alfama geschlendert, bzw. Geschnauft - es ging wieder Berg auf und Berg ab.
      Dort haben wir noch ein nettes Restaurant entdeckt. Unser Tag besteht aus Laufen, Essen und Trinken 😍🍷🫒

      Zur Krönung sind wir abends in die Markthalle und haben Markus Geburtstags-Gutschein eingelöst. Markus im Paradies!
      Thunfisch-Tartar, gegrillter Oktopus, Schwertfisch Burger, vegane Gyozas und verschiedene portugiesische Croquettas!
      Dazu einen Port Tonic und Markus schwebte auf Wolke 7!
      Dazu war in der Markthalle, dem Time Out Market, richtig gute Stimmung und Musik!
      Dann haben wir uns noch durch die pink Street treiben lassen und sind noch bei ein paar coolen Bars hängen geblieben!
      Danach sind wir tot ins Bett gefallen!
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    • Day 4


      October 31, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Óbidos ist ein kleines verträumtes Örtchen mit Stadtmauerumrandung, welche man entlang“klettern“ kann. Ohne Handlauf u keinen Meter breit aber tief abwärts beim falschen Schritt war das genau das richtige für mich 🙈 na nützt ja nix, der Blick war toll. Innerhalb der Mauern süße Gassen, immer wieder kleine Läden, die für 1€ zum Likörtesten aus nem Schokobecher einladen... 🙂 hätte nur noch bei Sonne schöner sein können, aber sehr sehenswert. Da bisschen viel Programm auf dem Plan stand, haben wir kurzerhand die letzten 2 ursprünglich geplanten Stopps gecancelt, weil wir irgendwie schon wussten, was uns in Lissabon erwarten würde... 🙈🙈Read more

    • Day 15

      Lisbon's Many Sites and Tastes

      April 8, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      On Thursday we completed our cycling trip across the Algarve with a triumphant arrival at the very windy Capo St. Vincent, the most western point of Portugal and mainland Europe. After a look at the beautiful vistas and a celebratory beer, we were transported by van to the lovely hillside town of Loule. We enjoyed another excellent Portuguese meal where Helen and I had cuttlefish done in lots of olive oil and garlic. Can’t go wrong with that. We all really enjoyed Loule the next morning. It felt much more like a real working town and not simply one that was overrun with visitors. It seems that the secret is to get away from the coast a bit.

      Friday afternoon we arrived at one of Lisbon’s many rail stations. The entrance to the city was quite impressive over a bridge like San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge . Lisbon sits by a large, natural harbour that is at the mouth of the Tagus River. Much of what happens in the city is centred around the waterfront.

      Helen has been in charge of our Lisbon visit and she has kept us going at a very fast clip. She even wrote notes for the blogs- she took her job of Lisbon convener very seriously indeed. She rented us a large and well appointed 2 br apartment in the Estrela area which sits on one of Lisbon’s 7hills. Wéve been walking up and down cobbled roads for the past 2 days. Thank goodness we decided not to bike this. Would have been impossible!

      Helen writes: We arrived Friday a bit north of our rental flat and, after a bit of argy bargy, found the cab stand. More argy bargy while the cabbie discussed our address with his fellow cabbies - pointedly avoiding us or our gps - and we set off and shortly were settled in a very stylish flat overlooking the old town.

      By the time we headed out for dinner it was late so we were modest in our ambitions. But we had found a promisingly well reviewed restaurant in the neighbourhood so set off down the hill to explore. we found the restaurant but it was fully booked, sigh, so we repaired to a wine bar next door. Only to discover that at the wine bar we could not only sample the best regional wine but order anything we wanted from the restaurant (too full to accomodate us) next door. Private party! Great food and an absolutely brilliant bottle of Douro red.
      The young server also gave us some interesting incites into lofe in Portugal these days.

      Saturday we had a leisurely start at the well appointed flat and then set out to explore old Lisbon. We started at the Basilica nearby - v grand- then caught one of the old trams towards the old fort. The little wooden tram was a great way to chug through the twisting and narrow old streets. We then worked our way on foot through several alleys and, pausing for coffee and portugese pastries, to emerge at the gate of the fort...rebuilt on similar lines by all the armies that occupied lisbon over centuries.

      Despite the historic importance of the site, we were put off by the VERY long ticket line, and decided to just walk through the district up to one of the viewing points on one of the seven hills of Lisbon. We ambled through the flea market, took in the Pantheon, and enjoyed the view. We also entertained ourselves watching a freshman pickpocket trying to work the crowd without skill or success. Poor chap - we nearly asked him to pose for a photo under a sign that warned tourists about pickpockets.

      Time to tackle more transit....quite a bit of head scratching and we finally cracked the metro tickets and headed north to the site of the 1998 Exposition to indulge in a little modern architecture. ( ps Heather immediately recognized the architect as Santiago Caletrava). We managed to dash into a restaurant for lunch as the heavens opened. But rain was to be our fate for a bit. We hopped into a cable car to get an impressive if watery view of the longest bridge in europe - the Vasco da Gama bridge. There are a lot of significant things named after Vasco Da Gama.

      A bus ride back towards town and we ended the cultural part of the day with the National Tile Museum. This may sound dry but was absolutely stunning - a beautiful old monastery adorned with Portugese tiles in the most imaginative of expressions.

      Our feet were cold and sore by this point so we headed home to dry out/warm up. A bit later we headed out to eat simply in a nearby place. Our first choice - a convivial Italian - was full. Or so we thought. Turns out they were happy to accommodate us in another room across the street! We finished off with a limoncello and headed ´homé. Belem and Baixa await tomorrow

      Update from Sunday. Helen had another full day (23000 steps worth) for us today and we walked around a couple more of the interesting barrios in the city and made a quick stop to sample the Regional cherry liqueur known as Ginjinha. 10 am was A bit early to be sampling liqueurs but we were too pooped to go out last night and Helen and Laura are purists and insisted that we go to THE little shop for a tasting. It was actually not unpleasant. Next we were off for more squares, statues and then made a stop at Time Out Market which is a food market set up in an old market building. There are a number throughout world and the idea is for people to sample excellent regional food and drink. We tasted some delicious fish cakes made with salt cod and potatoes. Kind of like a croquette. After that, we were off to the Belem area which had been the Centre of Portugal’s former maritime glory. It is now a residential district but has a few good things to visit including an ancient tower guarding the harbour and the beautiful monastery built to celebrate - yup you guessed it - Vasco da Gama’s successful journeys to other parts of the world, including India, He is buried in the church there.
      We have only touched on the many things to see (and eat) in Lisbon. It is an interesting city with nooks and back alleys to explore as well as some significant museums and sites. The food is wonderful, the weather is normally better than the rain we’ve had and we’ve had no problems getting around. It feels like a safe city with the obvious cautions. They could do a better job on the dog dirt front and also get the graffiti under control. Certainly worth another visit.
      Tomorrow we set sail north. We pick up a rental car at the airport and will overnight at a Pousada in Obidos. We are expecting luxury for one night in the castle. ( Mike thinks for what we paid that he’s actually bought the place)

      That’s all for now. Boa-noite for now,
      Love Mom/Heather
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    • Day 4

      Mit 1001 Nerven weniger nach Lissabon

      October 31, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Also ich hab ja schon einiges an Verkehrschaos erlebt und ein paar Mietwagen auf dieser Welt bewegt, aber rein verkehrstechnisch ist Lissabon schon jetzt eine Katastrophe. 3spurige Kreisverkehre ohne Ende, Stau bis der Arzt kommt, jeder drängelt und keiner mag auch nur einen Millimeter nachgeben, Reißverschlussverfahren gänzlich unbekannt, aber im Hupen sind sie Weltmeister👍🏼 Morgen ist hier Feiertag und anscheinend ist jeder unterwegs, Autoscooter lässt quasi grüßen. Aber naja, Dsnk kompetenter Kopilotin und Navigatorin haben wir unser Ziel und Hotel mitten in der City ohne Blechschaden erreicht👍🏼
      Den Wagen lassen wir die nächsten Tage definitiv stehen, auf Parkplatzsuche in den Gassen haben wir 0,000 Lust.
      Dafür waren wir gut und günstig im typischen Lokal „an der Ecke“ essen... nicht besonders chic, aber dafür lecker und gut👍🏼
      Den Abendspaziergang zur ersten Erkundung gab‘s natürlich auch noch, morgen aber wird dann richtig geguckt und gelatscht👍🏼
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    • Day 4

      Wir, Eine Nacht und das Kremlin

      May 25, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute Nacht, haben wir das Nachtleben von Lissabon hautnah erlebt. Es hat uns umgehauen. Die Straßen sind prall gefüllt, überall wird gelacht, gelebt und getrunken. Entspannte Menschen mit einer unbeschreiblichen Lebensenergie, von der man mit gerissen wird. Die Leute stehen vor den Lokals auf der Straße und trinken, leben und feiern. Wir entscheiden uns dann ins Kremlin zu gehen & was soll ich sagen, es war eine der besten Nächte, bis jetzt in meinem Leben. Ein total toller Technoclub. Die Leute, die Musik, die Atmosphäre, alles hat gestimmt, alles war perfekt. Nachdem wir das Tanzbein geschwungen hatten, sind wir noch an den Hafen gegangen und haben einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang genossen. Eine wundervolle Nacht, in einer wunderschönen Stadt.Read more

    • Day 3

      Sexy können wir auch

      October 17, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Karten und Würfel 🎲 im Bett...
      Die Füße schmerzen, aber wir sind happy.

      Danach ging es 4,3 m aus der Tür heraus nach links - local food

      Die Bedienung war gut bis furchtbar schlecht gelaunt, aber die Köchin mochte uns, und wir mochten ihr Essen - guter Deal für uns.Read more

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