Euro trip

March - May 2024
Doing whatever we want for 6 weeks Read more
  • 44footprints
  • 51days
  • 519photos
  • 143likes
List of countries
  • Morocco
  • Croatia
  • Hungary
  • England
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Czech Republic
  • Show all (15)
Backpacking, Friendship, Party, Photography, Sightseeing
  • 31.7kkilometers traveled
  • Flight22.9kkilometers
  • Bus6,425kilometers
  • Train1,044kilometers
  • Hitchhiking511kilometers
  • Walking481kilometers
  • Car101kilometers
  • Ferry92kilometers
  • Hiking6kilometers
  • Horse5kilometers
  • Bicycle4kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 44footprints
  • 51days
  • 519photos
  • 143likes
  • 31.7kkilometers
  • 22.9kkilometers
  • 6.4kkilometers
  • 1.0kkilometers
  • 511kilometers
  • 481kilometers
  • 92sea miles
  • 101kilometers
  • 6kilometers
  • 5kilometers
  • 4kilometers
  • Day 2

    The prelude

    March 23, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

    Spent a day in Toronto, I think the love on the spectrum crew was calling me after I left the aquarium lol. I'm happy to be leaving, though I'm just excited to start the euro quest!

  • Day 3

    Lisboa Day 1

    March 24, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We made it! I had an awesome day just walking around exploring Lisbon. It's such a beautiful city. The hills are no joke though. Maybe time for some cardio? Pearse was supposed to land a couple of hours after me, but the goon booked his flight for April 24, not March 24th lol. Time to be a pair of goonsRead more

  • Day 4

    Lisbon Day 2

    March 25, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    It was a pretty chillaxed day today, I think we were both pretty tired from the night before. We went for a couple of e-bike rides around the city. We learned the hard way that most of the bikes add almost no assistance, so the hills sucked lol. I felt like I was trying out for tour de France. We had a dinner party at 8:00 last night. Google Maps said it was a 30-minute bike ride, so we grabbed more ebikes, thinking it'd be faster. Nope, it took us an hour still, lol. It was worth it, though, because we had an amazing birthday dinner with Helena and her friends. She was very generous to us!Read more

  • Day 5

    Lisboa Day 3

    March 26, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    Today, the plan was to wake up sorta early and see if the weather was good enough to go to Sintra, we ended up waking up at 12 instead lol. Musta been pretty tired, I guess. After we got a move on, we decided to go to the aquarium. I'm only able to post 2 videos per post, so there might be a day 3 part 2 post because the aquarium was unbelievable. There are so many awesome things to see! I got a business idea, though lol. There needs to be a 16+ aquarium. I'm sorry, but your screaming infant doesn't care about jellyfish. After the aquarium we bussed back near our area. We hopped off a little early to just walk around and explore the city. We heard there was a huge 4-acre castle. Unfortunately, we explored for too long, and we wouldn't have had time to make it to the top before it closed. Side note, the sidewalks are slipery when wet. I slipped down a few stairs leaving the castle,and made a scene. Everyone saw, so i had to act like my shoulder didn't hurt lol. After I recovered, we found a rooftop bar with amazing views and atmosphere. We got a little snacky after so we went looking for a small bite to eat, we ended up finding a hole in the wall place that we immediately decided was gonna below average but it was our only choice. Well, they ended up making us food even after they closed the kitchen, and it was honestly some of the best food yet. Shout out to Tambarina!Read more

  • Day 6


    March 27, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    We finally made it to Sintra today after a few days of thinking about it. I knew Sintra was going to be beautiful, and it still blew my expectations out of the water. To get there we had to take a bus to a train station then buy a pass for the train. The pass worked great at the first station, and then we got to Sintra. we tried scanning our pass to get through the gates and it denied both of us. Even a local couldn't figure it out. He then tried to run behind someone who scanned their card, but the gates slammed in his face and completely bodied him. I laughed so hard in his face, true comedy. We couldn't figure it out either, so we just jumped over a wall to get out lol. We had to hop on another bus, which took us up to Quinta Da Regaleria, where a mansion is built on the side of a mountain on 4 hectares of space. There's so much to see there's no way we didn't miss something even though we spent 5 hours there. We explored caves and tunnels as well as just walking through the garden. Pearse and I made a few "skits" we think are funny. It's so hard to only pick 2 videos for the posts, though. We're off to Porto tomorrow now, so I'd say it was the perfect way to spend the last day in Lisbon.Read more

  • Day 7

    Porto Day 1

    March 28, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Today we got up and went straight to the train station to leave Lisbon for Porto. It was about a 4 hour train ride. Once we got here we checked into our hostel. Which is so cool. Its inside of a historic train station that's regarded as one of the most beautiful train stations in the world. It's covered in 22000 individually painted tiles. All the different murals depict different historic events that have happened here, from victories in war, to royal weddings, and the evolution of travel. We were very indecisive for dinner but we finally found a traditional Portuguese restaurant where we had Portos famous dish, francesinha. It was so good but you'd definitely get heart problems if you ate this too often. We were too tired to do much after clogging up our arteries so we just walked around for a while exploring. We found a nice place to sit for a beer, turned out to be the most expensive beers ever. It was 17.5 € for 2 beers. Long story short, we won't be going back there. After drinking what should have been a 5€ beer, we found an old church that had a light show inside. I don't know if a mini rave in the church was in their plans when they built it, but the church always gets their money one way or another lol.Read more

  • Day 8

    Porto Day 2

    March 29, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We had a decently early start today, so we went to Jardins Do Palacio De Cristal. Finally, the sun was out for most of the morning, which was perfect for the gardens. We walked around for 10 minutes and thought this was cool, but how is it a landmark? Like a couple of peacocks and flower beds was all there was, so we pulled out google maps to find where to go next. Luckily, we saw on the maps that most of the gardens were behind the arena. There were some amazing viewpoints and, of course, great spots for some pictures. If we found out later that we missed all of that, we probably would have been pretty choked. Not far from there we found a restaurant that seemed like it was only for the locals, nobody spoke English and a couple dirty looks from people. I really should have used Google translate for the menu because when they brought me my food, I was a little surprised. I just thought the pork was really fatty, but I forced it down. Only to realize I ordered tripe. It's not really my thing lol. The sauce rice beans and carrots tasted really good though. After we joined a free walking tour around the city and learned about a lot of the history of porto. We found out how port was originally made. The Portuguese were shipping wine to England, but there wasn't enough alcohol in the wine, so it would go bad. Their solution was to add brandy to the wine to make it sweeter and stronger. The English liked the new recipe, and so did the Portuguese, so it stuck. The Portuguese would actually use English whiskey barells to age their port and the English would use the wine barrels for their whiskey. Win-win situation there. Later on, we joined people from our hostel for a pub crawl. You pay €15 up front, and you get a bunch of "free" drinks through the night. It made up for a pretty solid night.Read more

  • Day 9

    Porto Day 3

    March 30, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Today, we were very hungover after our pub crawl. We didn't do a whole lot in the morning, but at 3, there was a different walking tour with the same guide as yesterday. Pearse and I were the only ones that showed up for it, though. Andre, the guide, had to cancel because it wasn't worth it for anybody. He gave us a few things that we could do, though. We ended up walking down the Douro River for a couple of hours and ended up at a beachside restaurant right as it started raining. We had a bottle of wine, and by the time we were done the bottle, the rain had stopped. We were pretty tired, so we didn't know if we were gonna keep going or not. We decided to keep on keeping on. It was worth it because we ended up at the beach just on time for the sunset. We stayed for a while, taking pictures and watching the waves for a while. We took a bolt ride back near the hostel. We got some Indian food for our Easter dinner. After dinner we just went just went straight to bed because we have a big day of travel tomorrow. Off to Madrid now!Read more

  • Day 10

    Porto to Madrid

    March 31, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Today, we had to carpool for 9 hours with 3 people who spoke no English. It was definitely a weird experience, but we made it to Madrid after a very long day. Pearse and I split the middle seat of this dudes Ford focus. Im gonna be honest the middle seat was miserable lol. They told us they'd drop us off at the hostel, but I guess they had a change of plans cause they just let us out on the sidewalk 35 minutes away at the bottom of a hill with our bags. It wasn't the end of the world, but they told us they had to pay a toll to go down that road. It was definitely just a main road. Just tell us you're going the other way lol. We hiked up to the hostel and got a few recommendations for food, and got a bite to eat with some sangria. We forced ourselves to sit on the patio even though it was only 9 degrees lol. Our hostel offered free sangria every night, so we went down and met some people in our hostel before the pub crawl. A nice way to save some money on a pub crawl is to get drunk on free sangrias. We paid 20€ to join the pub crawl, which got us 5 free shots and free entry into the clubs. We had an absolute banger of a night with some really cool people from all over the world. A trick we learned in porto for fun time at the bar is to start a limbo circle. You know it was probably a good time if you both came back to the hostel at separate times, and neither of you have the slightest clue what time you got back at lol. It felt good to release all the pent-up energy from the car ride.Read more

  • Day 11


    April 1, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We had 1 full day in Madrid, and like the clowns that we are, we slept in until 12. We were pretty slow moving after the pubcrawl yesterday. It took us a while, but we went to a Café for some good eats and decided we wanted to go to Parque De El Retiro. We easily could've spent all day there just walking around. We checked out Palacio de Cristal in the park as well. Unfortunately, it was temporarily closed so we couldn't go inside, but just outside of it there was a nice pond with fish, turtles, black swans, ducks and whatever else. The sun was finally out today, so we just took a minute to lay in the grass and just chill, which was really nice. I think it made both of us more tired though lol. We wondered around for a little while more until we were hungry again. We stopped at a little shop for a sandwich and went back to the hostel to just chill out before the free sangria. Pearse wanted to have a chill night and relax because we have an early train tomorrow, so I went to the free sangria and pub crawl with some people from the hostel. I ended up meeting up with some of the people from last night's pubcrawl. We went to the same bars as the previous night. Last night, I saw there was neon face paint but didn't get any, so tonight I had to. The last place we went to was the only place we didn't go to yesterday. It's called Shoko nightclub. It's 3 stories tall, and there were over 3000 people there! At some point, I was waiting in line for a drink, and the lady at the bar got up on the bar and started pouring some sorta pink hard liquor. It kinda looked like baby birds with everyone's head back and mouths open lol. I got a healthy amount in my mouth, but I'm wearing more of it than I drank. I couldn't believe they were just dumping bottles out. At some point in the night, somebody was dancing next to me and hit me pretty good on my eyebrow with his glass, hard enough the glass broke. After my new Greek friends had a "word" with him, the party kept going. It wasn't till I was walking home that my friend Thanos told me my eyebrow was cut. I'm glad he took a pretty classic photo for me lol. I'd say it was a pretty chill night, nothing too crazy lmaoRead more