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    • Dag 9

      Day 8 walking!

      16. maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      The Albergue is very quirky and run by Pedro with a 13 year old rescue dog and a cat that snuggles up to the dog, very cute!
      Pedro made us all individual omelette for breakfast, and guessing he’s either a retired priest or lay preacher, as he put his hand on our heads individually and blessed us on our way. Also at a previous Albergue, the host Eleena rang a bell as we left and rang it and waved until we were out of sight. Some very kind hosts.
      Today’s first part of the walk was mostly down hill with undulating country side and cool breeze. We stopped for break in Santo Domingo which had beautiful cathedral. Here sadly my friend Sarah had to leave us and get a bus back as on early flight out tomorrow, and now we are two again.
      The rest of the day we walked through various small hamlets all with lovely churches, and rolling countryside but often alongside the N-120 main road, so apart from some encouraging beeps from truckers (?!) the traffic and road made the walk noisy and little dull. The final stretch is always the hardest but we made it to the Albergue after about 26 Km …. Shorter distance planned for tomorrow!
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    • Dag 17

      Santo Domingo de la Calzada

      4. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We have reached our destination for today, another hot, sunny, exposed 5.6 kms over two small ridges, before climbing down to Santo Domingo.

      Apparently the empty fields around here were full of potatos.

      Our Hostel is taking siesta right now, so we have retreated into Café Vendaval's thick stone walls for cold beers until the Hostel opens!
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    • Dag 20

      Monastic Life

      1. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Before starting my journey today I had a walk through the Monastery of Santa Maria in Najera. While communal dinners and growing your own veges sounds idyllic, all these cathedrals and monasteries are dark cold places and I think the beauty of their architecture would wear off pretty quickly. Especially with the decorations of endless crypts, paintings of Jesus on the cross, etc, etc that make them extra cheery.

      The claim to fame of this mornings monestary was that it was built backing right into the cliff where an earlier statue of the Virgin Mary had been located so the statue remains in the cave which is now part of the cathedral.

      I then headed off along country roads, first through more vineyards, but then into the next valley where the countryside changed to harvested fields. There was no shade and it was about 25 degrees Celsius. A month ago it would have been 40 degrees here for pilgrims and 25 with no shade was bad enough.

      My body is taking it's time adjusting to walking every day and being three days since I had a rest day there was a fair bit of protesting going on. We (me, my body and mind) made it the 15km as planned but it was pretty slow going with lots of long rest stops required when some shade could be found. Given this is a Catholic Pilgrimage I should have been aware that significant suffering would be required.

      I have a pilgrim dinner at the hostel tonight with a completely different bunch of pilgrims and have planned a very short walk tomorrow.
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    • Dag 18

      Santo Domingo de la Calzada

      22. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Kolejny bardzo ciekawy dzień, choć dzisiaj pomału kończyły się winogrona i zaczęły ogromne i otwarte przestrzenie. Poruszaliśmy się głównie pustymi polnymi drogami przepełnionymi słońcem i refleksjami. Tak naprawdę nic się nie działo i wsłuchiwanie się w równomierny krok wydobywający z suchego piasku i kamieni odgłosy, które wypełniały wszystko, nadając rytm i jednocześnie organizując przyszłość. Oddani głównie własnym myślom, które co jakiś czas szukały towarzystwa dzieląc się jednym lub dwoma zdaniami. Tak naprawdę minęliśmy tylko dwie osady Azofra była pierwsza i tam napiliśmy się kawy i soku ze świeżych pomarańczy, który stał się naszym ulubionym przedpołudniowym napojem, a potem po dość ostrym podejściu wymarłe miasto Cirinuella. W końcu pokazała się wieża katedry w Santo Domingo, która pojawiała się i znikała w zależności od wysokości.
      A teraz czas na trochę ciekawostek. Sw. Dominik prowadził pustelnicze życie nieopodal i bardzo był zaangażowany w życie i potrzeby pielgrzymow. Budowla katedry zaczęła się w XII wieku i po zawaleniu części budowli została rozbudowana w XV i XVI wieku. Katedra ma wiele skarbów, ale chyba największym jest krypta i relikwie Sw. Dominika. Mnóstwo trudnych do opisania ołtarzy,obrazów i rzeźb, wiele w bardzo rozbudowanym stylu barokowym.
      Jest również legenda o nieszczęśliwym młodym pielgrzymie z Niemiec,który szedł do Santiago razem z rodzicami. Podczas pobytu w tym mieście próbowała skusić go na namiętna noc jedna z dam dworu i po odmowie młodzieńca oddanego swojej pielgrzymce oskarżyła go o kradzież srebrnych monet. Była szybka rozprawa i skazany on został na śmierć przez powieszenie. Wyrok szybko wykonano i rodzice pogrążeni w smutku ruszyli dalej. Wracając tą sama droga zobaczyli syna, który wisiał nadal, ale ku ich zaskoczeniu, wciąż żył. Udali się natychmiast do sędziego aby uwolnił ze sznura ich syna a on śmiejąc się powiedział że jest on tak samo żywy jak kury, które właśnie podano mu na obiad no i tu się stał, kolejny cud bo kury na talerzu ożyły, urosły im pióra poczym szybko poleciały dziobać trawę na polu. Młodzieńca uwolniono ze sznura i od tego czasu czyli od około XV wieku powyżej grobu Dominika w Katedrze jest kurnik w którym mieszka kogut i kury. Mniej więcej co miesiąc je wymieniają. Podobno są spokrewnione z kurami z powyższej legendy.
      Today was a tiering day... Long and hot and no shade. And the last 4 km felt like another 10... For the last 4 km we have seen the tower of the Cathedral in the verizon, but it wouldn't get closer to us for a long it wasn't real... Actually it's very unique cathedral tower. It stands freely a little away from the maim building, almost like it doesn't belong together... While touring the Cathedral we were able to go on its roof and had a great view of that tower, also we climbed the high stairs of tower itself to see numerous bells and beautiful views. Pilgrims had s discount for touring the tower😜. I think we were the only pilgrims who claimed it lately... It was a killer climb. But very worth it additional effort 😁.

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    • Nájera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada

      8. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Not a hard day but there were a couple of hills. Cristina likes motoring uphill and can really kick it into high gear when she needs a toilet. I don’t like going downhill much and have never walked faster to find a latrine. 😂 It’s a gender thing. 😉

      You see a church spire in the distance and think you are getting close. It’s an evil trick the Navarran and Riojan Lords of old play on pilgrims.

      Great company last night at dinner. Would not trade all the aches and pains and miss the Camino experience. When a local say’s, “Buen Camino,” to you, it really feels heartfelt and is appreciated!

      Yes, those are live chickens in a pen inside the Cathedral of Santo Domingo de La Calzada,
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    • Dag 14

      Ventosa to Ciruena 25km 7hrs

      18. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Todd walked the entire way today. He started with Claire and Cecile. I took a taxi 10km to Najera to get my blisters looked at in a medical clinic. Of course, it was a holiday in that village and the clinic was closed. Seems like there is always a holiday in Spain. My feet were feeling better after a good nights sleep so I decided to attempt to walk the remaining 15km with Todd and the others. We met up in Najera and we kept on walking. Met a lovely mother and daughter from Vancouver and walked with them for some of the way.
      On our way to our albergue in Ciruena we walked through a golf course community which seemed quite deserted. Then we came across a little path to our very cute albergue, Virgin de Guadeloupe. Our host was a tad eccentric but good natured and fun and a great cook.
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    • Dag 20

      Camino Day 10: Nájera to Santo Domingo

      21. august 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Total Distance: 23.7km
      Step Count: 33.4k
      Blisters to date: 2
      Tortillas to date: 11

      Today was one of the most beautiful days on the Camino, at least for me. I’d heard that many people skip the section between Burgos and Leon because the trail is mostly flat and one mostly traverses the plains but if I’d skipped this, I would’ve missed out on endless fields of sunflowers!


      I started walking before sunrise and got lost for 0.5km. Well, me and every other person that started walking in the dark. I was soon back on the road and enjoying brekkie an hour later. Jorge had caught up by then and we walked together for the rest of the day.

      We played with all the cats and dogs along the way and just as we came about the most beautiful fields, we started hearing a guy whistling to a random tune behind us. It’d come to be the most creepy encounter on the journey (hopefully to date).

      The guy came up to Jorge speaking in some foreign language messing with his backpack buckles and after one minute started doing the same with mine. We were about to lose our patience when the guy took a step back and we realised he was going to move on. We kept dabs on the guy the rest of the way to make sure we wouldn’t stay in the same place. I was so glad I wasn’t alone in this moment. We only ever saw him once more on the trail after and never again.

      In Santo Domingo de la Calzada, we spent the rest of the afternoon bar hopping and chatting with other Spanish pilgrims. It was a cute little town but the heat was unbearable so undercover was the only acceptable place to be.

      There’d been so many requests for wedding invites from everyone that had seen Jorge and I together up until that point that we ended up having a fake camino proposal/marriage at one of the bars to share with all. And having already met his dad, it seemed like the perfect next step that would ensure endless moments of laughter with everyone for days to come. 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻 💍🤣
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    • Dag 11

      Logrono til Ventosa

      21. april 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      En rolig tur på ca. 18 km. Det tok en times tid å komme ut av byen og inn i en flott park. I parken var det en eldre herremann som solgte diverse pilegrims remedier, drikke, frukt og bananer. Jeg fikk et pilegrims-stempel i pilegrims-passet mitt og betalte 1 euro for en banan. Jeg passerte en større sjø, med et rikt fugleliv og folk som forsøkte fiskelykken. Høydepunktet i parken var noen tamme ekorn, som gjorde seg til i bytte mot mat. Det tok et par timer til jeg var ute av parken og ute i det åpne landskapet. Det er flott med et åpent landskap, men det er lite skygge og varmt ble det - nærmere 30 grader i solen.

      Det ble en lengre pause i Navarerete på et hyggelig torg foran kirken. Det er helt utrolig hvor utsmykket kirkene er, selv på mindre steder. Mye synd kanskje - hva vet jeg!

      Turen gikk greit til jeg hadde et par km igjen til Ventosa. Da begynte det venstre kneet å skape seg. Jeg kom meg fram til hospitset, fant min seng og kunne hvile både meg og kneet. Det er mange folk på veien - ikke at det bryr meg - der jeg går i min egen boble. Utfordringen ligger i å finne et sted å sove, ikke for nærme og ikke for langt unna.
      Jeg vasket både meg og tøyet og satte meg ned for å reservere en seng/rom fremover. Letter sagt enn gjort. Jeg ble sittende med dette i flere timer og har klart å få til et puslespill fram til torsdag. Noen av strekningene er i lengste laget, og for de må jeg nok ty til en kort busstur, for å korte ned til noe som er greit for meg - rundt 22 km.
      Vi var flere som samlet seg til middag; tyskere, amerikanere, hollendere, med flere - og jeg da. En hyggelig middag, med god Rioja vin. Så ble det kveld og dag 12 var i vente.
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    • Dag 10

      Stage 9 - along the way

      11. april, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      It was a shorter walk today - just over 20km - but the weather was warming up considerably so it made it feel a bit harder. We all got a bit sunburned (the Camino tan is always more on the left hand side as we’re walking west) and hilariously my hand has a very clear walking pole strap mark! I seem to have escaped much else so far, thanks perhaps to my scarf and hat.

      Walked through a weird town where there was nobody about apart from the few people at the golf club as we entered, where we had lunch. It felt like an eerie zombie town and we joked a lot about it on the way through.
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    • Dag 12

      Day 11 - Cirueña -> Viloria de Rioja

      12. maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      The idea for the day was to walk 20 km to Viloria de Rioja, in order to stay at the Refugio Acacio & Orietta. Eva was excited about the idea of staying at the albergue of Paulo Coelho's friends. Mark and Sonja already had reservations at the other albergue in the Viloria de Rioja. There are two albergues in the village, which is a lot for a village with only 28 inhabitants.
      Eva and I started our walk to the first step, Santo Domingo de la Calzada. I was excited to visit the Cathedral of Santo Domingo. Besides the body of the Santo Domingo, the patron saint of the village, there is a rooster in a gothic chicken coop inside the church. There is a legend that a roasted rooster was placed on the mayor's table, it stood up and crowed to prove the innocence of a pilgrim who had been unjustly accused. Unfortunately, the church was closed due to the holiday in honor of the saint.
      After Santo Domingo the next village is Grañón. Is a kind of village that you can cross very quickly, but it's worth to stop and go intro the church. By the way, I did this all the time, stopped and went intro every church I could. It happened a very funny situation in this church. After visiting the inside of the church, I noticed that Eva was sitting in silence. I thought that she was praying or just thinking. I left in silence, to wait for her outside. After about 15 minutes she left the church, came to me and said that she had fallen asleep. We both started laughing.
      As we leave Grañón we begin to say goodbye to La Rioja and walk through the region of Castilla y León.
      The next village is Redicilla del Camino. Another place that I have been waiting to visit, because of the 12th century baptismal font from the , in Romanesque style. But again my expectations were disappointed, because the church was closed. The only thing to do was to continue to Castildelgado and finally to Viloria de Rioja.
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