My Camino

maio - junho 2024
Uma aventura indeterminada pela Sara Leia mais
Atualmente viajando
  • 27pegadas
  • 2países
  • 26dias
  • 356fotos
  • 0vídeos
  • 1,5kquilômetros
  • Dia 2


    9 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Pamplona is another green city with historic walled fortifications and great views on all sides. Plus found interesting managerie! First stay in Albergue close to the cathedral in the old part of town. Busy place with group youngsters and oldies like us too!! Sleeping in dormitories will take a little getting used to …. it was noisy as expected …. did manage to zone it out … but will def feel sleep deprived today!!!Leia mais

  • Dia 2

    First days walking!

    9 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    So had leisurely start to the day and took few Km walking to get clear of Pamplona. Then gradual climb turning more acute to the top of nearby hill (felt like mountain- so glad we didn’t start it Pyrenees!!).
    We had gently whirring wind turbines alongside us and lots of pleasant fields and flowers. Lovely view from top and then treacherous descent, very glad not raining! down to where we’re staying tonight in Albergue in Uterga after just over 18km. Different style Albergue as more rural and communal dinner with other guests. Just relaxing in hammocks in garden in lovely post heat of the day temperature 😊
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  • Dia 3

    Second day walking

    10 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We left the Albergue about 8 this morning feeling rested despite the snoring! Although breakfast was 6 - 7am!
    We were straight into stunning panoramic scenery and gentle paths, passing the odd wild camper! We passed through picturesque villages with beautiful old churches, with links to the Templar Knights. As we only planned 15km today, we took slight detour to some high monastery remains, and had a break surrounded by wonderful wild flowers and watching birds of prey soaring on the thermals. We did have some steep parts but it was mostly gentle slopes to our next Auberge in the hilltop village Cirauqui. After an early communal supper, we went to a choral concert in the local church. It was atmospheric and despite not understanding a word, very enjoyable.Leia mais

  • Dia 4

    Third day walking!

    11 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    After very disturbed night (lots of snoring!) we set off about 8 in lovely weather and down from the hilltop village. Again we passed by lush fields and villages with lovely churches. It was 25 degrees and the rucksacks make us hot and work harder! We stopped for tea and coffee of course and lunch in Estella, which has lovely old town with impressive churches. In some places the way was very steep, in others more undulating. One intriguing thing was passing the wine fountain… it’s a tradition to drink a little wine as you pass, I duly obliged! But we made it to our welcoming Albergue in Axqueta after 24.5 Km! And it’s nice not to have bunk beds 😊
    It’s a small Albergue and we had friendly communal supper with people from Germany, France, Italy and Finland. We’ve also so far chatted to folk from Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and even good old Blighty!
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  • Dia 5

    Day 4 walking!

    12 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    We had more leisurely start at 8.30 this morning as our wonderful host Elena, had lovely help yourself to breakfast, permitting multiple cups of green tea 😊
    The walking today involved few steep bits but mainly gentle slopes and passing lots of lush fields. We met couple of nice Brits to walk and chat with for couple of hours, and we bumped into people we’ve met previously at the Albergue or while walking, which somehow makes the world feel smaller and the Camino less daunting!
    We passed through historic Los Arcos and stopped for a break and watched/heard the locals being called with bells to church in their Sunday finery! The scenery is breathtaking with lots of wild flowers especially poppies.
    As we were ambling along in the final stretch, a circadian flew past me landing on plant, so I stopped to bend down to photograph it and managed to topple over onto my back/rucksack like a turtle on its back!! Very funny and no harm done, lesson learnt, don’t lean or bend to far with heavy rucksack!!
    So we walked about 21 miles to our Albergue in Sansol, another high village with lots of old buildings. The Albergue appears to be a converted palace with wonderful ancient stairs and super terrace and outdoor space. The communal dinner was little unusual with spontaneous Korean song and American singing with a guitar! And the sun sets on another interesting day,
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  • Dia 6

    Day 5 walking

    13 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    We had lovely view from our dormitory window of the rising sun, we were first to arrive yesterday and so could chose our beds, and the last to leave just after 8!
    Initial downward walk and then steep climb into Torres des Rio with another beautiful old church.
    We then had mixture of gentle inclines and some steep climbs to Viana, where we met with a friend (Sarah) who is walking with us for a few days - so we were 2 and are now 3 which 😊
    Viana is another old town with cathedral being renovated. On the way there we also passed a sort of shrine with piles of stacked stones with photos and names of presumed lost loved ones, very poignant, and a tree full of lots of different national flags. And just before one hill, in a shady spot with picnic tables, a Spanish chap was playing his guitar and serenading all the passing walkers/pilgrims, most stopped to listen for few minutes as did we. The Spanish have been very welcoming and we have passed refreshments tables where kind locals have put out fruit and snacks and drinks and just asked for a donation.
    After the 3 of us left Viana, the landscape subtly changed and included more scrubland and trees, and also olive groves and vine fields, signalling we were leaving the Navarre region and crossing into La Rioja. We walked onto Logrono which is a large city and so we passed quite an industrial area on the way in and the walk was less interesting. I had booked the 3 of us a private room rather than beds in a dorm, feels like luxury! And we’ve just been out for a nice dinner and now listening to the rain!
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  • Dia 7

    Day 6 walking!

    14 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    We had a lot of noisy rain last night and left Logrono in the drizzle, didn’t last long but at least we have now used our wet weather gear! Leaving Logrono was bit dull as the way was parallel to main road but eventually the way moved into greener and more pleasant land with lots of vine fields with the red clay soil very evident. Yesterday’s path included a stretch known as the ‘knee wrecker’ but so far my knees have been ok 🤞famous last words!! Although I do have a bruised big toe from going down steep slope on day 1 !
    We stopped for lunch in Naverette but there was cool breeze, and despite the lovely veg soup, we didn’t linger. It was a gentle climb again near a main road in places, to our current village of Ventosa after walking about 24 Km today. We did pass some interesting features including stork on large high nest, and the remains of a pilgrim hospital from 12th century. We’re at an interesting Albergue, the host is hospitable but sent us down the road to the local cafe for dinner, where we watched a lightning storm and the little road turned into a river! Hopefully we’ll have better weather tomorrow!
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  • Dia 9

    Day 8 walking!

    16 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    The Albergue is very quirky and run by Pedro with a 13 year old rescue dog and a cat that snuggles up to the dog, very cute!
    Pedro made us all individual omelette for breakfast, and guessing he’s either a retired priest or lay preacher, as he put his hand on our heads individually and blessed us on our way. Also at a previous Albergue, the host Eleena rang a bell as we left and rang it and waved until we were out of sight. Some very kind hosts.
    Today’s first part of the walk was mostly down hill with undulating country side and cool breeze. We stopped for break in Santo Domingo which had beautiful cathedral. Here sadly my friend Sarah had to leave us and get a bus back as on early flight out tomorrow, and now we are two again.
    The rest of the day we walked through various small hamlets all with lovely churches, and rolling countryside but often alongside the N-120 main road, so apart from some encouraging beeps from truckers (?!) the traffic and road made the walk noisy and little dull. The final stretch is always the hardest but we made it to the Albergue after about 26 Km …. Shorter distance planned for tomorrow!
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  • Dia 10

    Day 9 walking!

    17 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Last night’s Albergue was like a road side cafe with a few rooms above. The food was good and the room was dated but it was only two of us in the room (no bunks hooray!) and only 4 walkers in the whole place, another Brit and a Kiwi.
    Forgot to mention that yesterday we left the Rioja region and passed into Castille and Leon, so we have left the red soil behind us now!
    We had pleasant undulating walk with threatening clouds, to our first tea break at Belorado, which is lovely town with cathedral and caves built into rocks behind it and lovely selection of street art murals featuring the Camino.
    After this stop, the weather dominated the rest of the day with drizzle, then sun, then drizzle, rain, little hail and sun at varying intervals! One of the dirt tracks turn to gluppy sticky mud which was little hard going, but otherwise the 20km was relatively ok with with gentle inclines and some bits by main road. Our Albergue tonight is in Villafranca and attached to a nice hotel, so nice surroundings but in bunks in a small dorm!
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