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    • Dag 2

      Italian Bar

      30 mei 2023, Duitsland ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      In the evening, we swapped out pork knuckle and beer for Aperol Spritz and pasta in a little Italian Bar, in the back streets of Munich. It was such a great little find and we returned for a breakfast of pistachio croissant and Prosecco.Meer informatie

    • Dag 111

      The rest of our day in Munich

      10 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Miles: 6.0 Steps: 15782
      Flights stairs: 7

      After we visited Dachau, and picked ourselves up off the floor figuratively, we headed out exploring Munich. Honestly, we could have just headed back to our hostel as it was so upsetting to go thru, but we only have one day here so didn’t have that luxury.

      We went over to the Olympic park, where they held the 1972 summer games. It’s really neat to see how these cities have repurposed these massive areas built for the Olympics. Munich has made much of it useable for the people today. Germans close down almost every building that can be on Sundays - and they are known for going out and enjoying themselves. We could see that today at the park. So many families out.

      Then we headed into old town - saw the town hall and squares. There are protests in almost every city over the Ukraine situation. Today tho I believe this one was regarding Bosnia. And it’s unbelievable how many pride flags we see in every country - love it!!

      Eventually we found ourselves in the very historical Hofbraeuhaus Beer Hall. It is over 500 years old - strangely, we started our day at a concentration camp and ended it at a beer hall where Hitler once stood. I’ve only had a sip or two of other peoples beer over the years - never enjoyed the taste or the smell. But today, couldn’t let Jordan drink alone so had my first! Figured why not start big … so had a full liter. Can’t say I enjoyed it that much, but didn’t hate it either. 🍺
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    • Dag 1

      Jour 1 - de Paris à Munich 🇩🇪

      30 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Voici les News du premier jour du voyage ! 🇩🇪
      Nous avons commencé notre journée par un réveil à 5h du matin, la nuit fut assez courte car les derniers réglages des paquetages se sont faits jusqu’à 1h du matin la veille 😅
      Nous avons pris un départ de Paris Gare de l’Est à 6h55 et sommes arrivés à 12h30 à Munich avec une correspondance à Stuttgart.

      Les vélos ayant été démontés la veille, nous avons dû les remonter à notre arrivée à Munich. Nous sommes ensuite allés déjeuner dans une auberge typique bavaroise des Rahmschnitzel et des Jagerschnitzel.
      Nous avons visité une partie du centre ville en nous baladant vers Marienplatz, le Frauenkirche, le nouvel Hôtel de Ville de Munich et l’église Saint-Pierre de Munich.

      La journée s’est terminée avec un dîner dans un restaurant bavarois / balkanique où nous avons découvert les Cevapcici et les Raznjici !

      Au final, c’était une grosse journée avec 13km de marche en plus de la fatigue du voyage, mais nous avons pu visiter l’hypercentre et goûter des spécialités !
      Toute l’équipe va bien dormir pour redémarrer en forme demain pour notre dernier jour de visite de Munich !
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    • Dag 3

      Munich by train bus bike and by foot!

      27 augustus 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Saturday in Munich did not disappoint! Started with THE most wonderful breakfast, we could’ve stayed and stayed!
      So many sights, a real melting pot of so many cultures, food and language-such a vibrant city. We visited Dachau with an outstanding guide (rivaled Richard from London), unreal to be standing where thousands have suffered. Truly a time solemn reflection.
      Then on to biking our way to and through the English Gardens in Munich - to say Munich is a bike friendly city is quite the understatement.
      Now we are enjoying a lovely evening with dinner and the off to Hofbrau to dance on the tables…
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    • Dag 3

      A beer at Hofbrauhaus

      24 november 2023, Duitsland ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      No visit to Munich is complete without having a litre of beer at the world famous Hofbrauhaus. I didn’t really want to, but thought I should “take one for the team” and check it out.

      It’s a massive hall and it was absolutely chockers… but we eventually found a table and ordered some German cuisine. I had German Sausage with mustard and potato salad. Nicky had spinach dumplings in a blue cheese sauce. It was a simple meal, but absolutely delicious.

      And then there’s the beer… I don’t think I’ll be able to drink a Great Northern or XXXX again. It is the best beer I’ve had in ages. I can’t put my finger on exactly what the difference was, but it was delightful.

      Check out the photo of the men's urinal... obviously a lot of beer to get rid of. I wanted to stand in the centre and see if I could hit all of them, but they frowned on that for some reason... 😂

      Unfortunately, the Oompah Band went on extended break before I could get a video, but that was a good excuse to go back the next day. So now we have a video.

      Overall, a delightful end to the day…
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    • Dag 2

      Full day of walking and riding the metro

      26 december 2019, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Coffee in the room with our profiteroles we picked up for dessert. Headed out to try our luck with the metro. Not bad for 2 girls from King, NC. Got a one day, all day pass. Made our way to Munchner EisZauber - the outdoor ice skating rink. Peggy had a blast, didn't fall once though got some assistance from a skating bear!!! Next stop the Hi-Sky ferris wheel. Amazing view when you are rounding the highest. Getting to be lunchtime here, and I'm ready for a bier, but Peggy wanted to climb to the to of St. Peter's... I won, too long a line... though the Viktualenmarkt and Biergardens were closed the day after the holiday, found an open air restaurant that had awesome food and beer!! Walked off the white wursts and currywurst while we wandered our way back to St Peter's church only to find a longer line than before. Beautiful day but not much open. Stopped for a few pretzels and strudel for later, then back to the hotel. Let's see what tonight brings!!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 9

      Aankoms in München

      18 juni 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ek het 'vroeg' probeer uitcheck, maar daar was niemand wat my betaling kon vat nie, so ek moes wag tot hulle 07:00 aan diens kom. Ek is toe stasie toe en het die ICE trein gevat na Munich. Dit was bietjie deurmekaar want die kaartjie kantoor kon nie vir my 'n kaartjie verkoop nie omdat die trein binne 10 min daar sou wees, so hy sê toe ek kan 'n kaartjie op die trein koop. Die man op die trein sê toe dit werk nie regtig so nie, ek kan probeer om een te koop op die internet, maar dit wou dit nie verkoop nie omdat die trein reeds weg is uit die stasie uit. Hy sê toe ek kan net by die volgende stop 'n kaartjie koop, maar net voor die volgende stop maak hulle 'n afkondiging dat die trein nie verder gaan ry nie en almal moet oorklim op ander treine.
      Ek koop toe 'n kaartjie by die treinstasie en klim op die volgende (baie vol) trein, waar ek (en klomp ander mense) tot op die eerste stop in die gangetjie gestaan het. En dis mal warm. Maar ek het darem sitplek gekry by die volgende halte tot in Munich. Die trein ry tot 300km/h en dis so mooi groen hier. En in Duitsland moet mens nog maskers dra op publieke vervoer. Maar dis al. En dit maak nie sin nie.
      By Munich het ek die ondergrondse trein en tram gevat hotel toe. Daarna het ek vir Wilhelm gaan kry in die stad en ons het iets gaan eet by 'n regte duitse restaurant, waar hulle tradisionele duitse klere dra (selfs die griek, Niko, wat ons bedien het). Daarna het ons deur die stad en parkies gestap en na al die mooi geboue gekyk. Oral is mooi (baie) ou geboue en fonteine.
      Ons sluit ons aand af met 'n bier (en ek met 'n Johannisbeeren sap - dis een of ander bessie en vir nou my gunsteling) in 'n biertuin agter 'n restaurant. Die restaurante het sulke donkerhout afwerkings wat glo eie is aan Beiere en almal is baie jolig oral.
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    • Dag 10

      'n Dag in Munich

      19 juni 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ons het die dag begin met die rooibusse (hop on hop off). Hulle het 3 roetes wat elk 'n uur neem, deur die stad, Nymphenburg paleis toe en deur Schwabing. Daar is so baie geskiedenis en sulke mooi geboue. Ek het altyd gewonder wat die groot ophef is oor al die geboue in Europa wat almal so post op hulle vakansies... tot mens voor hierdie geboue staan. En die kerkklokke lui en dit voel of jy in 'n fliek is.
      Ek het sonbrandroom in my oog gekry, wat toe baie brand en my oog laat swel, so na die busse is ons eers na Wilhelm se hotel om oogdruppels te kry. Dis regtig handig om in sulke situasies saam met iemand te reis wat spesialiseer in oftalmologie, want waar anders sou ek oogdruppels kry? Alles in Duitsland is toe op 'n Sondag, daar is net 'n paar enkele restaurante en museums oop.
      Ons het toe gaan eet by 'n straat restaurantjie en die trein gevat na BMW museum en die olimpiese park. Die BMW museum is nog besonders. Dit het die hele geskiedenis van BMW en modelle van die karre, motorfietse en vliegtuig enjins, asook die kleimodelle van die karre en nog baie goed. Ook, BMW maak Rolls Royce. Interessant - wanneer hulle aan 'n nuwe model werk en dit toetsbestuur plak hulle hom met 'n film vol swart en wit lyne in verskillende rigtings sodat mens nie die vorm van die nuwe model kan uitmaak tot dit vrygestel word nie.
      Na die museum het ons na die 'welt' gegaan waar klomp nuwe karre uitgestal is. Die elektroniese karre is amazing. En daar was 2 Rolls Royce karre.
      Ons is toe olimpiese park toe, waar Wilhelm in die olimpiese swembad gaan swem het. Daarna is ons na die Englischer Garten. Dis 'n groot park in Munich waar mense piekniek hou op die groot grasperke en sport speel, mense ry fiets of stap deur die park, en daar is 'n rivier wat daar deur hardloop waar mense (en Wilhelm) inspring en afswem, en daar is selfs plekke in die rivier waar hulle surf.
      Daarna het ons 'n bier (en ek weer my gunsteling Johannisbeere sap) gaan drink en aandete geëet (alhoewel ek net apfelstrudel met vanilla sous geëet het - die Duitsers se porsies is massief).
      Ons het toe teruggestap deur die park en vir oulaas iets gaan drink by die restaurant waar ons die eerste aand geëet het. Ons het toe gaan slaap, want more moet ons albei vroeg weer vertrek na ons onderskeie plekke.
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    • Dag 39

      Munich- day 2

      28 juni 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today was our second full day in Munich and we got up and went to a nearby bakery for breakfast. Then we wanted to go to the English park to walk around so we took some of the lime/ bird scooters over there and then walked around for a bit until we found the surfers in the river which was amazing to watch! We then walked to the technology museum which was pretty cool but all in German so hard to understand a lot. On our way back to the hostel we stopped at the famous Hofbräuhaus beer garden/ hall. Then we chilled at the hostel for a bit until meeting some of the other people in the hostel downstairs to hang out.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Munchen - Salzburg Osterreich 3/8

      3 augustus 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Petite balade d'1h30 ce matin jusqu'à la Sendlinger Tor, l'une des portes de la vieille ville médiévale puis Sankt Jakobs Platz où se tiennent le Musée National de Munich, la synagogue Ohel Jakob et le musée juif.

      Nous quittons Munchen par train à 11h55 pour arrivée Salzburg (en Autriche) à 13h42, mais y repasserons 1 jour 1/2 en fin de séjour !
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Marienplatz, Mary's Square, مارين بلاتز, Мариенплац, Μαρίενπλατς, מריאנפלאץ, マリエン広場, 마리엔 광장, Plac Mariacki w Monachium, 玛利亚广场

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