Cortina d'Ampezzo

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    • Día 2

      Von Imst nach Cortina d' Ampezo

      16 de junio de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Von Imst fahren wir bei Regenwetter durch das Öztal hinauf auf das Timmelsjoch /2474 mtr. ( 15€ Maut) dann weiter zum Jaufenpass 2094 mtr. und dann über eine schmale, ruhige und landschaftlich sehr schöne Passstraße hinauf zum Würzjoch 2105 mtr. und weiter über den Valparolla 2192 mtr. und den Passo die Falsarego 2105 mtr. hinab nach Cortina d Ampezo, wo wir in den Dolomiten angekommen im Hotel Aquila übernachten.Leer más

    • Día 9

      Travel Day to Cortina d’Ampezzo

      22 de marzo de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      We got moving early today. We packed the car up and got on the road by 10. We had our first lost item. Andrew’s GoPro. He left it inside his jacket and then left his jacket inside a store. When he went back to get the jacket, the GoPro wasn’t inside.
      In Milan, we exchanged the car and then stopped lunch. Gabe choose Turkish kebabs and pizza. It was good! Something different. We made a quick stop at a mall and then got back on the road.
      We arrived in Cortina around 7:25pm. We were trying to get to the ski rental store before they closed at 7:30pm. We didn’t make it.
      The rooms at the hotel we are staying in are huge. I think they have never been reconfigured from when people traveled with valets and maids. The rooms have small rooms inside them for a nanny or a baby’s room. We got to walk around town tonight before dinner. It’s another really cute town. More designer stores here than any other place so far.
      Tomorrow, we will head up to the mountain to ski and watch Franchi ski. Tommi and Franchi are on a ski team for the town San Martino de Castrozza. The event that is here in Cortina is the Finals for the season. You had to qualify to attend. We are looking forward to seeing the boys race in person.

      Cortina d’Ampezzo is a host city for the Winter Olympics 2026. The 2021 Sking World Cup was held here also.
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    • Día 11

      Cortina Day 1 & 2

      24 de marzo de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌫 3 °C

      Bright and early, we woke up and went breakfast. It was an all-you-can-eat-buffet, so we picked out our own breakfast. I had a Nutella croissant with some eggs. Then, we went to rent our boots, skis, poles and helmets. After that, we put our skis in the car and dove to the mountain to meet Vitto. We went up the gondola, skied down, got stuck, went up the gondola again, and finally made the right turn to meet Vitto! She was with Tommi, so we skied for a little bit, then we went down to watch Franchi race. Unfortunately, he lost. Franchi was really tired and hungry, so we went to a pizzeria. I had a Margarita pizza, which is a cheese pizza. After that, Mom and Dad went to the spa, Andrew went out with Tommi and I stayed at the hotel. After about 2 hours, my dad started getting on calls, so the rest of us went down to dinner. I had a steak with french fries. My dad got leftovers. He was not very happy. We relaxed the rest of the night, and went to bed peacefully.

      Day 2, we woke up at around 8:50, and went to breakfast. This time, I had toast with jam. Then, we headed to the mountain to watch Tommi race. It was fun and fast, and he won 2 of his 3 races. He placed 5th overall. After the race, we came back to the hotel at around 4:00 and went to Tommi’s award ceremony, but he didn’t win anything. Then we went to the co-op store, where we bought groceries and a Kinder Joy Egg. After the co-op, we went back to the hotel and got dressed for dinner. We went to this real fancy place with some of Vitto’s friends. I had pork with potatoes and green apple gelato for desert. It was really good. After dinner, we went to bed, because we had to get up early tomorrow. Ciao, Renee

      *Additional photos added later
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    • Día 2

      Cortina d' Ampezzo

      24 de mayo de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Nach langer Regenfahrt, endlich Ankunft im Hotel Serena Cortina. Ich war klatsch nass, da ich keinen Regenschutz hatte.
      Das Restaurant im Hotel war geschlossen, so dass Dirk und Franz bei einer Pizzeria in der Nähe reserviert hatten. Gerade wie wir los wollten, ist auch Leander angekommen.
      Es war ein lustiger Abend in der Pizzeria.
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    • Día 20

      Cortina Day 2

      1 de julio de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Went for a wee 5 mile hike up and around Cortina. Saw my 3rd bride and groom of the trip. They had just gotten married and was, I assume, leaving the ceremony in their aged black Land Rover. They honked when they passed me, and once I saw she was in her wedding dress, I waved excitedly back at them.Leer más

    • Día 6

      Auf nach Cortina d‘Ampezzo

      3 de julio de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌫 11 °C

      Es ist Waschküche draußen. Eine andere Wandergruppe beschließt wetterbedingt die geplante Tour nicht anzutreten.
      Wir entscheiden uns für den Weg #37 über die Dürrensteiner Hütte. Nach dem anfänglichen Nieselregen beruhigt sich die Wetterlage und es wird Meter für Meter wärmer und sonniger.
      Es kommen uns viele Mountainbiker auf dem Abstieg entgegen. Zur Mittagspause kehren wir in der Hütte der Sattelstation der alten Bahnlinie (Toblach - Cortina) ein und genießen eine Stunde im Liegestuhl bei Sonnenschein.
      Dann geht es entlang der alten Bahnlinie Richtung Cortina. Ab Ospedale nehmen wir zum Glück den Bus und kommen bei starkem Regen in Cortina an.
      Nachmittags haben wir Glück, dass es noch einmal trocken bleibt und die Sonne raus kommt. Sehr internationaler Ort. Kein Südtirol mehr - Venetien.
      Abends regnet es wieder kräftig:55l an dem Tag! Was uns auf dem Rückweg von der Pizzeria zum Hotel nässt.
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    • Día 48

      Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy (Days 1 & 2)

      22 de septiembre de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

      What we did:
      - We were looking at some dicey rainy days for our next few days in Cortina, so got up early from Lake Bled and road-tripped about 3 hours to capitalize on some better weather that day. Drove directly to our first hike in the Italian Dolomites, and one of the most popular hikes, Tre Cime di Lavaredo. It was a mostly sunny day and the drive was very pretty through small Italian ski towns and the Dolomiti National park. We stopped at a small Italian hotel for a hot meal before taking off on our hike.
      - This hike is a circuit around 3 high peaks of the Dolomites. It felt like there was some elevation but we determined we likely weren’t higher than 8,000 feet. The clouds really came in at this point and so we didn’t get too many views of the peaks, but we did get a lot of wind and some rain! The hike was about 4 hours and of moderate difficulty, so it was great to get the legs moving again! Our first experience with Italian Refugio’s, there is one about every 1-2 miles in the Italian alps due to the many different trails you can take. This was a pleasant surprise for us compared to the Chilean Refugio’s in Patagonia which were every 7-8 miles (also very nice for bathroom and beer breaks 😊) - safe to say Italy wins the Refugio game.
      - Made it back to the car and drove to our hotel. Great to be in hotel again after our prison cell of a hostel in Lake Bled. Found a nice Italian spot for dinner, split a bottle of wine that sent us to an early bed time!
      - Got up the next day to a lot of rain which was expected. Had breakfast and tried to figure out how to maneuver our hikes to fit with the best weather. We ended up driving an hour away to an alpine lake with a short hike. Lake Braies is pegged as one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe! Turquoise blue lake surrounded by pines and mountains. We think that the cloudy day made the lake look even more blue than normal! We did the hour hike around the lake in some drizzly rain and then found a really great Tyrolean restaurant close by where we warmed up with some Italian/German food and wine!
      - Headed back to the hotel and called Brian for his birthday - the big 60! Caught up with Helen and Brian and wished them well on their fun IU weekend. Headed down to the hotel restaurant for one of our best meals in the Italian alps!
      - We got an early start for another popular hike in the area Croda Da Lago. No rain on the forecast today and the sun was trying to peak through so it was a great start! This hike wasn’t as populated as some of our others, so it became a quick highlight of the trip! Hiked 2 hours to the Croda Da Lago Refugio, grabbed lunch and some drinks before heading down the way we came. The sun came entirely out at this point and we were able to see all the surrounding peaks and the whole town of Cortina D’Ampezzo. We then set off for our next Italian Alps town - Ortisei in Val Gardena!

      What we ate:
      - Grocery store pastries and coffee in Lake Bled.
      - Hotel Restaurant lunch near Tre Cime: Trents discovery of the Tyrolean speciality - Speck and Eggs! Essentially potatoes, prosciutto, and eggs. This will be the first of many times this dish is ordered (for all three meals of the day). Steph got spicy garlic pasta, also a huge hit for Trent to Steph’s delight!
      - Il Vizietto di a Cortina - Rustic Italian restaurant with wine bottles everywhere, sat right next to the window of the kitchen to watch them make homemade pasta! Split a burrata salad, Trent got a pasta with speck (speck is EVERYWHERE in South Tyrol), and Steph got a risotto with speck. Split a bottle of wine from the local region - a Trentino red.
      - Breakfast at the hotel both mornings - hard boiled eggs, pastries, fruit, yogurt, coffee
      - Lunch near Lake Braies at Trattoria Mosslhof Alto Adige. Trent got (you guessed it!) speck and eggs! Steph got pasta with speck. Starting to see a trend here? Yeah me neither…
      - Dinner at hotel restaurant, Dolom’eats all’Aquila. The most amazing charcuterie we’ve had in this region. Great meat and cheese, hard pass on the fried reindeer meat. Trent discovered a new meat that he was absolutely loved until he found out it was just lard. We split a steak and salad - both great! The wine was a big hit with Steph. They had a Coravin that allowed for cheaper glasses of wine from very nice bottles. Trent and Steph each tried a different local red - both were fantastic! We couldn’t decide which we liked better.
      - Lunch at Croda Di Lago Refugio. Speck and cheese board with a side of fresh apricot pie! Trent got a beer and Steph got a red wine.

      Fun facts:
      - Cortina will be holding the 2026 Winter Olympics. On our way back from dinner the first night Trent saw a poster and said “wow they are really getting ahead for advertising the Olympics”. Steph looked at said poster and pointed out that it was an advertisement for Audi. Trent insisted it was an Olympics advertisement and googled the images only to be proven wrong. The advertisement was in fact for Audi and not the Olympics. Better luck next time, Pohlman.
      - Italy reintroduced the brown bear to the Italian alps in 2000. There are now over 80 brown bears, mostly in the northeast region of the Italian alps. A brown bear had killed an alpine runner a few months earlier in that region which sparked a hot debate on the safety of both humans and brown bears. There is now a political push to relocate the brown bears to a different region that would be farther away from populated areas, a move which would be extremely costly for the Italian government.
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    • Día 2

      Cortina d'Ampezzo

      19 de febrero, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Auf den letzten Kilometern vor Cortina d'Ampezzo waren wir verunsichert. Was haben die unzähligen Kameras am Straßenrand zu bedeuten? Was wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht ahnten: Wir fuhren auf der ersten „intelligenten“ Straße Europas – eine so genannte „smart road“. Die mit der Überwachung gewonnenen Daten werden in Echtzeit analysiert. Im Bedarfsfall wird dann proaktiv in die Verkehrsführung eingegriffen.
      Das System wurde anlässlich der alpinen Ski-Weltmeisterschaften 2021 installiert und soll auch beim Besucherandrang der Olympischen Spiele 2026 behilflich sein.

      Damit haben wir auch schon verraten, warum wir einen Abstecher in den Wintersportort anvisiert haben. Er war schon 1956 Austragungsort und soll es zusammen mit Mailand in zwei Jahren wieder sein.
      Wir tun der Stadt mit Sicherheit Unrecht, wenn wir unseren Besuch mit nur einem Fußabdruck versehen. Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es genügend. An eine originäre Besichtigung haben wir aber diesmal weniger gedacht. Uns beschäftigte eher die Frage: Ist Cortina d'Ampezzo das dolomitische St. Moritz?

      Cortina d'Ampezzo ist das Zentrum der Ampezzaner Dolomiten in Venetien. Ein „Ampezzaner“ stammt aus einer einheimischen Familie, ein „Cortinese“ ist hingegen ein Zugereister. Die Einheimischen fühlen sich vorwiegend der ladinischen Sprachgruppe (romanischer Dialekt) zugehörig, während die Zugereisten allmählich die italienische Oberhand eroberten.

      Die Gebäude entlang der Fußgängerzone lassen einen mondänen Charakter anmuten. Hier und da flanieren tatsächlich auch Menschen, die diesen zur Schau stellen. Der James-Bond-Film „In tödlicher Mission“ wurde hier gedreht, aber auch „Cliffhanger“ mit Sylvester Stallone. Alles Ausdruck des internationalen Bekanntheitsgrads der rund 5.600 Einwohner zählenden Gemeinde.
      Die Zeugnisse liegen jedoch weit in der Vergangenheit. Abgesehen von den alpinen Damen-Skiweltcups ist es auch sportlich still geworden. Viele ehrwürdige Sportstätten wurden stillgelegt. Nun sollen die Olympischen Spiele dem Ort einen neuen Schub verleihen.
      Die Baukräne dominieren die Silhouette. Es wird viel getan. Bei unserem Rundgang bekamen wir trotzdem Zweifel, ob die bestehende Infrastruktur den heutigen Anforderungen eines Olympiaorts gewachsen ist. Doch in Ortsnähe werden nur alpine Skirennen und Curling durchgeführt. Die nordischen Skiwettbewerbe finden in entfernten Dolomitentälern statt. So wird zwar neben Mailand der Name Cortina d'Ampezzo werbewirksam befeuert. Die Disziplinen verteilen sich aber im italienischen Alpenraum.
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    • Día 12

      Ankunft Cortina D'Ampezzo

      6 de agosto de 2018, Italia ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Nach der gemütlichen Runde um den Prager Wildsee ging es zu unserer nächsten Unterkunft nach Cortina D'Ampezzo. Da die letzten Tage etwas müde Beine hinterlassen haben, sind wir erstmal, typisch italienisch, Pizza essen gegangen und haben uns dann in der Unterkunft ein wenig erholt. Zu unserer Freude hat es in der Zwischenzeit zu regnen begonnen und somit deutlich abgekühlt 😁 (alle Wiener werden uns jetzt hassen, macht aber nix).

      Der Hunger trieb uns zurück in die Stadt auf einen Spaziergang, bei dem wir einen Patagonia Store gefunden haben. So etwas vermiss ich ja in Wien!!! (Wenn das wer von Patagonia Lesen sollte, bitte ändern😉) Mit neuem Gewand bewaffnet haben wir dann auch Essen gekauft und es uns am Balkon gemütlich gemacht. Hier sei nochmal erwähnt, es war frisch und Irene's Houdini hat am Heimweg gleich Anwendung gefunden. Nachdem die Wanderungen für die nächsten Tage geplant waren, sind wir erschöpft ins Bett gefallen.
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    • Día 1

      Verdientes Essen in Cortina dAmpezzo

      2 de septiembre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Toller erster Tag mit 355 km...👍

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Cortina d'Ampezzo, Cortina d’Ampezzo, コルティーナ・ダンペッツォ, Cortina Ampecanorum, Кортина д'Ампеццо

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