  • Dia 146

    Chill @ woodcroft! and stress @ adelaide

    9 de fevereiro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

    Monday was a chill day and I stayed the whole day @ Joll. Watched a few movies and downloaded a lot of new ones. I enjoyed the time over here! Just like friends in Netherlands!.

    Tuesday I went to get my Dutch simcard, finally I got a new one after 3 months. Slow ozzies here. I also went to a mechanic to make an appointment to check my car for rego. It's real 'easy' here in Australia because every state is like another country in Europe. So imagine to do apk and register your gar in Germany for a dutch license plate. That's like insane. And that's exactly what I have to do here.

    After a half day calling and searching I know what my opinions are.

    Car is registered in nsw. To renew for nsw I need to do the following things.
    1. Get CTP insurance ($610)
    2. Check your car at an registered mechanic, in nsw($38) or Sa ($120) or VIC ($180)
    3. register online for new rego ($512) with road tax

    I need to do this before 26 Feb 2017. And I'm not gonna be in nsw that time, nearest is around 350km from border. So it would cost me around $100 for fuel to drive to one in nsw.

    Best would be 610+120+512= $1242 for 12 months

    If I transfer my registration to SA I would pay for rego, CTP insurance and road tax around $800.

    Thats a lot cheaper and I get new plates. But I have to sell my car in Sa if I leave Australia. And I wanna sell my car in nsw because that's my last location.

    So I think it's best to just pay more and hope to get more for my car in Sydney when I'm selling it..

    After this day I think that I know more about vehicle registration than most Australian do (including mechanics). Pretty insane right!

    Well wensday a vehicle check and a/c check. And then back to the farm to do another few days.

    At the end of the day I climbed to mount lofty, you can see all of adelaide from the peak. It took me 1:45 to go up and down. Total track was 8km and some pieces pretty steep. So not to bad while I haven't hiked for a long time. But it was really good, I needed the physical workout!

    Today I had the check and it doesn't look that good. A/c Compressor is broken, don't need to fix it for rego. Front Brake discs and pads have to be replaced, need 3 new tires and new Cilinders for brakes back. Those 3 things would cost me 1500 over there. That's way to much! So I looked first for another car. But yeah now I need to pay around 1500 a 2000 to fix my car. But then I don't need to do anything anymore. And to get another car I maybe spend 1000 a 2000 so. Maybe better to keep my car.

    I called my friend mohamad in Sydney if he could help me. He said I could fix my own car in his workshop and get a bit of help. Everything will cost me now probably around 1000 and that's including fixing the airco. So thats a lot better.

    So after my OTR trip I'll be heading to Sydney for a short week and then go back to Melbourne.
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