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  • Day 27

    There be Whales Captain!

    September 3, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Today I have something special for you! Well it was for me anyway. I went on a whale watching tour this morning. I love being on the water! The weather is great today, a few clouds in a blue sky with a very mild breeze. It is about 21 C (70F) today and the sun will warm things up nicely.

    I am the first one to get to the harbour. (Just a little excited!) I check in and chit chat with some locals. I have picked Oshan tours because it is a fishing boat not a Zodiac. I have a bad back so I don’t think bouncing around on a Zodiac is a good choice. My chiropractor is back in Ontario!

    Off I go to get in the boat with the others. It looks like there is about 20 of us today, so that might be a full boat. It is a mix of young and old. We even have a little boy who is around 1.5 years old. He is very well behaved. The captain is an older gentleman weathered by the sea. Seems nice enough and he has a younger girl with him as well. We go through how to put on the life jacket and then we are off! Out of the harbour we go.

    I love the feel of being on the water. The sway of the boat the sound of the boat crashing through the water. The sun is shining above us and it is a perfect day! The captain explains that the only whales we will see are pilot whales. The orcas and humpbacks are in the spring. We are headed to Cape North where the St. Lawrence meets the Atlantic ocean. It is just past St. Paul’s island that I told you about before. It takes us a while but the captain does indeed find us a couple of pilot whales. He says that they travel in pods but the rest are below having some dinner. That’s okay, seeing just these two is great! I grab as many pictures as I can to see if I can’t get a couple of ‘good’ ones. We stay in view of the whales for about half an hour.

    The captain the veers towards the coast line. Here he has found us some seals to check out. There has to be about 30 of them just frolicking in the water. There little heads peak out of the water and they stare at us like we are staring at them. They probably think we look funny. We head around the corner and there are more seals playing in the water there as well. I didn’t see any on shore, so, I could only get pictures of the heads popping up.

    The coast line is beautiful along the way. It is as much a part of the show as the whales and seals. It must look amazing when the fall hits and the leaves turn colour! All to soon (about 2.5 hours later) we are heading back to the harbour. It has been a magical morning for me. Hope you enjoy it as well.

    This is my last day in Dingwall. I head out tomorrow. Catch you later!
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