  • Jour 2

    In the Jungle

    3 décembre 2016, Inde ⋅ 🌫 23 °C

    3/12/16 Rishikesh

    Had obviously curry bread for breka.

    Stayed in a sick hotel which is right next to the Ganges so we eat right next to the river.

    Decide to take a walk as we still can't get any money. Did we not mention this? India has decided to stop using 500 rupee notes and has caused a cash run on the banks, so you can't withdraw anymore than 2000 rupees (£25) from cash machines per day. But to get your rupees you have to queue up from first thing for like 2 hours.... And then it runs out before you get yours. FML there are no cash machines with money which is difficult in a country that barely used card!

    We went on this walk to see a waterfall but it turns out it was illegal (we'd gone anyway). The water was so clear on the river off it it was like a theme park.

    But then a national park ranger found us and told us there had been elephants there the day before (we found the poo to match this) and said not to go up any higher as that is where the cheetahs drink atm. Brilliant. Turns out we'd accidentally hiked out to full blown jungle land... There are tigers, bears, cheetahs and elephants AWESOME! Box ticked always wanted to go to the jungle!!!

    Came home looking for ATMs. Still no joy! 😭

    Had to eat in the hotel as it's the only place that takes card... We asked for beer and some Germans laughed. We looked at the menu... There was no meat.... Must just be this place we mused....
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