Day 0 - Folkestone

After a few stressful weeks (engine scares and a few motorhome pieces needed fixing), we have finally made it to Folkestone ready for our Shuttle across to France tomorrow.
Wish us luck! We areRead more
After a few stressful weeks (engine scares and a few motorhome pieces needed fixing), we have finally made it to Folkestone ready for our Shuttle across to France tomorrow.
Wish us luck! We areRead more
Day 1 of our autumn adventures!
The adventures began before we even got to Le Shuttle check in as we missed the turn off from the M20 (slight confusion on my part), thankfully I’d anticipatedRead more
Our first full day in Bruges and we wanted to make the most of a cool weather forecast, so we braved the possibility of rain and walked the couple of miles into the centre of Bruges for a bit ofRead more
Our final full day here in Bruges was forecast to be a warm one, so we decided to get up early and head out for a run before it got too hot and humid. We were out just after 7am and we did a littleRead more
We’ve made it to camp site number two. The trip here was straightforward (lots of dual carriageways) but we may have bought ourselves a ticket by not coming off the motorway during roadworks whereRead more
It’s been a pretty awful day weather wise, so after the excitement of a travelling day yesterday we decided to do absolutely nothing today but relax. We started the day collecting our pre-orderedRead more
Today’s weather forecast was for day and overcast so we thought it would make a perfect day for hiking. The campsite owner recommended an out and back route to Achouffe, a small village with aRead more
Today has been our last full day in Belgium. We had intended to run / walk a 10km trail loop from camp today, but after yesterday’s 10 miles, Marla isn’t used to back to back long walks / runs soRead more
It was a chilly start to the day, 5 degrees! So the heating went on for the first time in a long time.
We packed up and headed off from camp at a leisurely pace. We opted to go the straightest andRead more
Our first full day in Germany.
We took it easy first thing and had a leisurely breakfast, put a feta and lentil salad together ready for lunchtime and then headed off for a run in the woodland behindRead more