  • Jour 6

    Day 6 - Birmingham & The Cotswolds

    7 juillet 2017, Angleterre ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We came to the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, that there wasn't much for us in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Or more appropriately, there was more for us elsewhere. It was a transit stop. Somewhere to break the journey and rest for the night. It filled that need reasonably well. Could have been better.

    Heading south at 8am, the traffic was quite heavy. After some navigation mix ups we were our way to Birmingham. Why you might ask - Bournville village. The Cadbury story. All about chocolate. We often overlook the humble hot chocolate and chocolate for the masses, getting lost in Lindt and Guylian. Cadbury world is a bit glitzy maybe, more suited to the school excursion, of which there were several while we were there. I was more interested in the story behind the heritage and social work of George and Richard Cadbury in the 1800s. They shared their success and prosperity with their workers, providing worker housing, education and support services unique in the day and consistent with the Quaker tradition. Much of those buildings and houses still stand. After hot chocolates and rich chocolate cake it was back on the road. Next stop the Cotwolds.

    I had a cousin who had retired from London to Bourton-on-the-water some years ago. They have since passed on - literally - I believe. We made this our point of visit and stopped and had lunch. Bourton-on-the-water is noted as the Venice of the Cotswolds. There are a series of canals that run through the town making it unique, expectantly on a summers day. We had lunch in an old English pub and strolled by a canal, zipping over the stone footbridges. Many of the buildings constructed using local stone with dry-stacked stone walls along boundaries. After spending a couple of hours there it was on the road once more. The Cotswolds, very worthy of a visit and spending a lot more time exploring.

    We arrived in Swindon with the temperature nudging 28C in the afternoon. A beautiful summers day and much of the long-day driving for the trip behind us.
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