  • Hari 36

    Trolley tour in Anchorage

    21 Julai 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    One of our favorite ways to get a feel of a new city is to take their local tour. So we headed into the visitor center to make arrangements. Well after a quick Starbucks drive by and finding a parking lot that would accommodate a 30' RV.... (ALWAYS a challenge in the urban environments) we ended up at the Ulu knife Factory which offered a free shuttle to the visitor center. We finally got on the 10:30 a.m., hour long city tour. Was a pretty good overview, earthquake park, residential districts, seaplane "airport" lake area, downtown landmarks....driver was local so had lots to share.

    Lunch at local brewing company, no fish this time, Tom and I shared a buffalo meatloaf sandwich, excellent! Walked back into town and spent the afternoon at the Anchorage Museum. And that was not enough time. 4 floors with a complicated floor plan due to expansions, and elevators that didnt work so you kind of got lost finding your way around... They had a special exhibit on finding the Northwest Passage, which we simply gave too much time to and missed a lot of other parts of the museum. I simply need to be more strategic in visiting these big places! Give myself 30 minutes per floor or some thing like that to keep me moving through! Loved the bits and pieces I managed to fit in at last minute. Some great older art pieces from the 1900s (lots of Mt. McKinley) and some more contemporary pieces.

    Back to the visitor center to catch the shuttle to the Ulu Factory, which is located on Ship Creek. So as we got back to the creek area we spent some time watching the salmon fishing. I don't know that this was exactly"combat" fishing, but there were a lot of folks fishing this creek!

    Headed to a RV park on the outskirts of Anchorage, I would have been happy to go back to Cabelas, but we are going to be dry camping the next two nights so really wanted to take a shower in anticipation of no facilities!
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