  • Dag 11

    Free Day, Sirubari, Lamjung

    21 januari 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today was a "holiday", a day off of school. So I spent it by walking into Bhotewodar with Satya. She had a bust to catch back to Chitwan, back to reality I suppose! We chatted on the walk down and didn't rush too much. When we got into town we visited with someone Satya knew with whom she had also left some items she needed to bring to Chitwan with her. During our conversation we made plans that I will visit her in Chitwan, a large nature park in Nepal where I'd be able to see some wildlife. I'll have to figure out how this will work; debating skipping Singapore this time around so that I might visit her. It will all depend on if I can even change my flights of course.. Anyone have any thoughts?

    After Satya caught her bus I wandered around a bit but didn't get too far. I was uncomfortable with everyone staring at me and just wanted to be alone for a while. I picked up some sugar, oil, and chicken for Beda & Babita, and a beer for myself before walking back up. Round trip was just over 8km with almost 650m of elevation gain. When I was close to the top I stopped at a lookout point where I enjoyed my beer and listened to some music. It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon, I really enjoyed the downtime and haven't felt happier in a long time! Eventually I decided I needed to head back to the house and made the final climb which was the most intense part of course.

    When I got back home I had a "shower" with a bucket of water. Really makes you realize how much water we waste when we shower at home. We could definitely be more conservative! But, that doesn't change the fact that I'm looking forward to a proper shower again ;)
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