Based out of BC and WA. Exploring the world. Baca selengkapnya
  • Hari 118

    Day 18 - Lahaina

    8 Mei 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    not in a rush

    Big Rock beach - turtles!!

    tuna in town

    wander around, shopping

    rocky tender back to shore

    didn't eat on ship

    no shows


    early bed

  • Hari 117

    Day 17 - Kailua Kona

    7 Mei 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C




    target - people fighting over a spot in the walmart bus


    skipped show, mom went, elton john

    dinner dining room

  • Hari 115

    Day 15 - At Sea

    5 Mei 2017, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    wake up

    lunch at wind jammers



    show - acrobat

    dinner in dining room

    drinks and movies

  • Hari 114

    Day 14 - At Sea

    4 Mei 2017, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Sleep in

    Johnny Rockets

    try to recover photos / copy movies for mom / library / phone is just toasted

    show - singer

    dinner wind jammers



  • Hari 112

    Day 12 - At Sea

    2 Mei 2017, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Another day of sleeping in :) And because the clocks moved forward an hour I technically didn't leave my room until about 1:30 pm. We're getting closer to home time! Mom went to the matinee movie again and I went to a lecture on Chinese Medicine. It was interesting, but most of it I already knew! Still interesting stuff though.

    After the lecture Mom found me and we went off for lunch and then to the pool! There was a man who slipped and had a bad fall at the pool and I, along with everyone else present, was disgusted by the slow response time. Luckily, Sara was there to help out (she's a surgeon) while they waited at least 20 minutes for the medical team to arrive... What if he had been having a heart attack or something?! He turned out to be all right, but still, seriously, 20 minutes plus?!

    Anyway... After that whole ordeal was over and things returned to normal, I returned to the room to get ready for dinner. Tonight was formal night and I was not really feeling up to doing anything or seeing anyone.. But we got dressed up anyway and Mom and I went to the dining room for dinner in our nice outfits. Really upset about the lost photos because we had some good ones from tonight! Oh well, you'll all just have to imagine us looking all nice ;)

    From dinner we went to see the late show which was a Magic Show. Pretty entertaining! Mostly because he was funny, not so much because of his tricks. I ran into Pods, Adrian, and Sara afterwards and we went to the arcade for a short while.

    Magic show

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  • Hari 111

    Day 11 - At Sea

    1 Mei 2017, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Today is May 1st again. We crossed the international date line last night so we repeat today. Bit of a mend bend! Instead of us being ahead of home time wise by about 19 hours we're now behind by 5 hours. Crazy!

    Anyway, I've gotten used to sleeping in I suppose because I had a great sleep again. I was up in time to see the matinee movie at 12:30 with Mom though ;) We then had lunch up at the Wind Jammer before splitting up again. She went to an enrichment lecture while I went to the pool! I met up with Pods, Adrian, and Sara there and we had fun just hanging out.

    I watched the sunset and took some awesome photos! Unfortunately my spare phone has crapped out and I lost them all...... Just my luck! I am cursed. Oh well, it's in my memory anyway...

    I watched the movie that runs outside by the pool every evening at 6:00 & 9:00 pm (this was the 6:00 pm show) while mom went to the show. I was more interested in seeing a movie about a plane crash, Sully, it was great! Mom and I met up afterwards for dinner at the Wind Jammer. It was Indian night and the food was lovely. We decided against the dining room just because I had agreed to meet Pods at the Crown and Kettle at 8:30 pm. Adrian and Sara were on a date! From there we went up to Dizzy's and had a great amount of fun. Talking, dancing, that sort of thing :)
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  • Hari 111

    Day 10 - At Sea

    1 Mei 2017, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    Today I slept in shamelessly until about 11 am! Of course Mom was long gone from the room by that time so I took my time getting out of bed and went up to eat on my own. Afterwards, I wandered around the ship for a while climbing the stairs from bottom to top about 3 times just for the exercise because I still hate gyms. I had intended on swimming but the weather is crappy today. So instead I stopped to talk to a few people on my way and was just being a social butterfly apparently. Because it took me about 2 hours to do what should have only taken 30 minutes lol. I ran into Adrian and Pods, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. They all asked about where I was last night I guess they had a big night at Dizzy's. Sad to have missed out on that! I'll go tonight and see if I can catch them. I would like to see Matt and Mel as well :)

    When I got back to my room I discovered a note from Mom telling me that she'd gone to the afternoon matinee, so I went to have myself a bloody mary until she was done. When we met up we went up to Windjammers for a salad and then went to catch an enrichment lecture about exo planets.. I thought I'd be really interested but definitely wasn't and left early to catch up on writing. The plus side of the lecture was that I discovered which bar has clamato! And I had myself a red beer ;)

    After writing for a bit I met up with Mom again and we went to watch the show. It wasn't all that great so we left early... And went for dinner in the dining room instead. Which was delicious as per usual! After dinner Mom went to bed and I went up to Dizzy's to meet the crew. We hung out there until they closed and then went to play some basketball and mini golf! There were enough of us that we could actually do more than shooting around :)
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  • Hari 110

    Day 9 - Suva, Fiji

    30 April 2017, Fiji ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    Today I woke up feeling great after a decent night's sleep and Mom and I took off for Uprising Beach Resort. I still managed to sleep the entire bus ride there and home despite a good nights sleep... Guess Asia has just made me used to it! I think I slept on every single travel vehicle we were on haha.

    Anyway, the bus ride was about an hour to the resort and we spent about 4 hours there. Compared to Mystery Island, the beach was underwhelming. The water was a murky colour and there was hardly any sea life to see below the water! It was a good place for swimming though I do have to say. And I stayed out in the water for about an hour straight just putsing around. I met up with Mary and Elizabeth while in the water and the three of us tried to discover marine life. We did see two fish between the three of us lol. But hey, now we can say that we've swam at a beach in Fiji! That's really all that we wanted to accomplish with the day. Especially because Suva itself isn't really a city that any of us wanted to spend any time in... It was nice to get away from there. I suppose we spent the night just so that the ship could restock as we now have 7 or 8 straight days of sailing ahead of us. Anyway, we had lunch at the resort and I sat by the pool afterwards reading my book and enjoying a local beer. I will say one thing about Fiji, the people are insanely kind and some of the nicest people I've met! They definitely go out of your way to remember your name and be kind to you. Something to be said about that :)

    We hopped back on the bus back to the cruise ship and made it back just in time for last call before they were set to sail away. I hopped in the shower before going up to the pool deck to see the sun set and there I ran into Joel. We had a couple drinks before I set off to find Mom. Mom and I had dinner in the dining room again. We had the same table again and the waiters are getting to know us pretty well haha. I don't even have to ask for my after dinner espresso anymore, he just brings it to me ;)

    After dinner Mom and I decided to go see the Accountant, playing in the theatre. Joel met up with us for that as well. It was a pretty great movie! All about a man with Aspergers who did the books for a a few criminal organizations and got into some trouble. An action movie, well researched, well done. I enjoyed it!

    After the movie Mom wanted to go to bed so Joel and I went to the bar next to the theatre and grabbed a drink. We then went to head up to the night club, Dizzy's, but got distracted at the Casino Bar chatting to Paul, an older gentleman that I've met on a number of previous occasions; he sure loves to drink haha. So we missed Dizzy's after losing track of time. We were going to head up to play another game of basketball but instead stood out on the balcony watching the water go by for a bit. It was a nice and relaxing way to end the evening instead of getting my adrenaline completely going by jumping around and what not. A very nice, low key evening, and I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight because I wasn't at the nightclub drinking to excess! Loving this trip.
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