  • Dag 38

    Work Away

    11. maj 2017, Bulgarien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    At about 3 am we both woke up to the noise of a humongous truck FLYING through the village streets.
    Apparently truckers use it from Turkey to Romania to avoids inspections but wow it was loud!
    We woke up at 6 to the sound of so many birds chirping. It was peaceful.
    We got out of the tent at 9.
    I needed to pee all night but I pushed through - I didnt want to go out in the wet.
    Breakfast was fancy. Well not overly but I thought so.
    It was fresh porridge with cooked cranberry and apple on top with a smashed banana underneath.
    For my first porridge experience I quite liked it. Will did not.
    The fruit and honey I added made it better.
    I also had a tea. I'm liking the tea variety I've had here. I'll definitely be hitting up T2 when home.
    There is a rooster and he doesn't shut up but you can also hear dogs barking and sheep.
    We got ready, meaning brushed our teeth in the garden, put on our sunscreen (turns out Will bought FOUNDATION with sunscreen in it -HAHAHAHAHAH he looked beautiful <3 hehehe)
    and I put on a pair of borrowed gum boots. Our first stop was to the local "hardware store" to see if hey had boots in Wills size. They didn't but they are going to order some in for him and they will be here tomorrow.
    We then went to the rose fields. We put on gloves and had a hoe each.
    Will was seriously impressive. Even Johanna said she had never seen anyone so quick.
    His head nearly exploded.
    Thank god he was there though or the 2 rows would have taken me all week.
    I was slow at first but did pick up the pace eventually once I got use to the blister feeling on my hand (which I hate) but I was still slow in comparison..
    I managed to kill 1.5 rose bushes..
    The first one may survive so that's good because I pulled out the whole plant but the root survived but the second time I felt horrible and wanted to go cry in the car.
    It's there favourite field because it's the only field with white roses so they are extra special....
    The second time I just wasn't concentrating because I was in a rhythm and chopped it in half then pulled out the rose with my hands while Johanna yelled "that's the rose"
    Oh god. It was not good.
    I knew she was upset/mad but she hid it well and pretended it was ok which I appreciated. I felt horrible. Will just laughed at me.
    *** (written by William) ***But after he had finished some of his row he can back and helped me with mine. Will is the best couldn't ask for a better boyfriend plus he's super good looking which is a bonus. All I ever do is sleep must be because I'm a big stupid head. *****

    I can't believe I ripped out a rose bush with my bare hands...
    Anyway I tried extra hard after that. Johanna went ahead and cleaned around the roses to make it obvious for me..
    My blisters felt fine once I stretched them a bit. I just hate the initial felling of tight skin. Neither popped so that's good.
    Thanks to Will we finished in under 3 hours woo!

    Basically we had to get rid of he ridiculous amount of weeds strangling the roses.
    There were so many creepy crawlies in the soil.
    Heaps of awesomely camouflaged spiders and millipede type things - and worms. But if I saw a worm I moved it out of harms way of being chopped..
    probably why I took longer... hahahah
    Johanna took a video of us hoeing which I appreciated :)
    We then went back to the house and I had a lie down in the beautiful garden. It's full of insects but they leave you alone and I'm not worried cause there harmless in comparison to the potential garden friends of Australia.
    There was lady beetles, butterflies, bees of all sizes, ants and beetle types I didn't recognize.
    Johanna put down a picnic rug for me to lie in the sun on.
    After a small while Johanna made us lunch. We had shopska salad and Will had a ham and cheese sandwich. Despite what he may think, he is the fussy one.
    Afterwards we went for a quick walk around the village - or rather around the block.
    People were so suspicious. One lady took her baby inside and left the pram on the street. She had this look of alarm. Lol.
    As I've mentioned, I love villages.
    Will then had a siesta but I found the tent too hot so I had a shower in the dodgy tub then discovered I was out of clothes so I did 3 loads of washing. Apparently the washing machine will be functional in 3-4 days can't wait.
    It was difficult to do in the garden because the floor was muddy so the scrubba got muddy but I managed. I hung them on the line and they should dry quickly because it's very hot.
    I then had a sleep on the picnic rug. Wonderful.
    I then successfully used the outhouse woo!
    Me and Will were having a comp who would go first - #winner
    I emailed dad, Helen and Jess to say we would have no internet - I tapped into the wifi on Johanna's phone.
    Dinner time - it was spag bowl yessss!
    Sooo good.
    We then played cards - big 2.
    About 15 rounds and I didn't win once which was bullshit.
    During our game of cards one of Danny's distant relatives came for a visit - apparently she just lets herself in 3 times a day. lol
    She was so small. Will was sitting in a chair and was still taller than her. Might try get a photo next to her too. Hehe
    She came to offer cucumbers but Johanna planted some in the garden today so she went for a look. She is going to bring us some sheep milk for tomorrow. Didn't even realise that was thing.
    Hopefully we get to go to her house cause she has some animals I can play with. :D

    Time for another scheduled sleep.
    It's a sleep in tomorrow - we can get up at 9 :D..

    Wills toenails are ridiculous- he cut them today for the 5th time since we left.
    I am yet to cut mine.

    It's 10:46pm and there are birds chirping so loudly. What retards it's dark out.
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