  • Día 39

    Work Away

    12 de mayo de 2017, Bulgaria ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    That damn bird.
    It tweeted for the entire night.
    I have never heard such a vocal bird, least of all at night.
    We didn't sleep well because of it at got up 9:45.
    Johanna had bought us *insert Bulgarian word* from the bakery which is essentially Pastry with feta in it.
    As promised the little old lady had brought over sheep milk.
    In theory there was nothing wrong with it. It had the same texture as cow milk and tasted similarly enough (it had a stronger kick) but something in my mind was rejecting the thought of drinking juice from a sheep. Illogical but eh.
    I did finish my glass like a boss though. Just don't want anymore thanks.
    I borrowed a pair of rain pains and we all got to work in the yard de-weeding with the hoes. My hands are much better today but still hurt when I stop.
    It was more challenging than yesterday because it required even more concentration. And the dirt had tiles littered underneath so it was harder.
    We cleared a Large section of the garden though. Will wandered off and started clearing the grass near our tent to make it easier to get in.
    One of the plants bled fluro orange which was weird.
    Next up was a supper crappy job.
    We got told that there was a path to the out house but it was hidden by inches of dirt.
    This took agesss and really hurt both of our backs. I think Will was so put out by the job because it could be done with a high pressure hose and would be 10 times faster but I tried to remind him that that is a privilege and not a norm.
    We did manage to clear the path though so I'm feeling pretty proud of our achievement. Looks good but once it rains and cleans it a bit it will look better.
    We then had a break and sat around for a bit which felt awesome haha. I was feeling quite cold because my sweat made me wet -.-
    We then went over to the little ladies house (Baba Penka) to return the sheep milk and see her animals.
    (Baba is Grandma in Bulgarian.) except she wasn't home. We popped up the road to see if Wills boots had been delivered but they hadn't..
    so we drove 7km to the next village to get some groceries. The next village is more established.

    I've been seeing random coffee machines in the middle of random streets which is bizarre considering the neighborhood.

    Some of the scenery on the way was beautiful.
    The black cat that Johanna claims isn't hers but lives at her house anyway was less scared of me today. :) I've named it Pedro :)
    I then had another nap in the yard while Will watched a movie in the tent.
    I tried to nap there but I couldn't stand the heat.
    I woke up to Johanna working in the garden. Not sure if she expected help so I felt awkward.
    We tried baba Penkas again and this time she was home. She had set the table for dinner for us so I'm so thankful we went over again because I hate thinking of the little old ladies broken heart when her guests don't show up :( even though we didn't know we had been invited to dinner... that got lost in the translation - Johanna isn't fluent in Bulgarian, she can get by though.
    Even though it didn't happen and we went, my heart hurts thinking of her sitting at the table alone with a big pile of food that she probably can't afford to give to us..
    She is too cute.
    She is missing all her teeth except 2 on the side.
    She had a heart attack a few years ago and has recently started talking about her death a lot which is awkward especially when her message gets translated to you.
    She is so funny, she looks you straight in the eye and talks and talks even though you have zero idea what she is saying.
    Her husband was at the lake with the sheep so we went down to visit.
    At first we could only see him sitting on a chair, asleep with no sign of the sheep.
    We thought he was going to have his ass handed to him.. hahaha but they were just grazing over a Hill.
    There were cows grazing too.
    We walked down to the lake and I felt the water. It was a little too cold to swim in but not Icey.
    The lake is artificial and was created in the 60's - there use to be a village there.
    It was stunning. I took so many photos.
    Lots of cow pats and random shells everywhere.
    It's unfortunate but a lot of people don't pick up their rubbish..
    A man was fishing too but he shouldn't have been. It's currently illegal because they have to let the supply replenish. You can in June I think.
    No one said anything to him though.
    I've noticed on every house there are signs that look like missing person posters - today we asked what they were and they are signs in remembrance to the dead and they say along the lines of "this person died 2 years ago, please pray" and they update them as time goes on.
    They have been everywhere in Bulgaria but more common in the village. It's Bulgarian tradition to do so.
    We walked back to Baba Penkas and looked at her animals. She has rabbits and I was horrified when she picked it up by the ears. It started kicking so I took it off her and held it properly.
    They all had the creepy red eyes and their cage was filthy because the son normally cleans it but he is away.
    She also has turkeys and chickens and they didn't look well cared for either. I'm hoping the bleeding bits on the rooster was from a fight and not from small scratches that have festered but I doubt it.
    She has a cat that she claims to not feed but fed it a lot when we were there. The weirdo ate bread and a tomato.
    The cat has 4 kittens which we saw also. I felt so bad for them :( I don't know how there life will turn out but it doesn't look promising and the mum cat didn't show them any interest.
    We were served chicken stew which was really salty and Baba kept apologizing but it tasted fine.
    I wasn't fussed by the actual chicken part.
    I fed the cat a little too.
    Baba kicked the cat once to get it away from food but I winced.
    I carried the cat to safety haha. It was a bit mangy but purred loudly when I scratched it.
    When eating, the trick is to leave your plate full or it gets refilled. She complained I didn't eat anything but refilled my bowl 5 times?!
    We then Walked back to the boot store - they had arrived and fitted so we carried them home.
    We made comment to Johanna after our walk the other day that people are suspicious of us and run into there homes. She commented that she now she's what we mean. Many people evacuated the area haha.
    We played big 2 again. I lost for a while again but then got on a winning streak :D
    We also taught Johanna go fish and while Will had a shower me and Johanna played a game similar to speed.
    We are now in the tent - I hate it. I'd rather sleep on a flat floor that on a mattress because because of the weight difference it doesn't accommodate for my movements well. It's like being double bounced on a trampoline.

    We chatted to Johanna a lot more today. It's becoming easier.
    Danny will arrive tomorrow which I'm happy about - more conversation opportunities.

    Will finally went potty.
    What a big boy. :)

    We saw 3 Woodpeckers today which was kinda cool.

    That's fucking bird is back... it's 11:14
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