  • Dzień 42

    Work Away

    15 maja 2017, Bułgaria ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Soooo it's 6am and I don't know if I've slept.
    I hate the mattress.
    I hate it.
    I want to sleep on the floor because every time Will moved it's like a tidal wave.
    The same problem when I need to wee - I wake him up every time.
    It takes up so much room in the tent. Gah.
    I'll regret it later but I'm trying to stay awake rather than have 2 hours of sleep outside on the mat.
    I hope our chores aren't too extreme today.
    At least we have Matthew - another set of helping hands.

    Ok I gave up. I had a sleep on the deck in the freezing cold but still better than the tent.
    I woke Will up at 9 and hurried him up by threatening to eat the last of the frosties if he didn't get up.
    I ate a really big breakfast.
    I hate putting on sunscreen - especially on my face. Well, I hate putting anything on my face really.
    There were a few open rose buds in the yard so in preparation for the fields we learnt the proper technique of how to pick them.
    Everyone was hesitant so I went first. It makes a popping sound if you do it right. It snaps from just below the base. The pink ones smell better than the white - the white ones nearly went extinct for that reason except then they became such a rarity they have become a novelty. They have a more lemon smell.
    We drove out to a field we hadn't been to yet - it was a bit off track.
    Our job was to cut down trees/weeds/bushes then apply salt to the stumps then wrap them in plastic bags to suffocate them.
    Apparently the salt also attracts deer who come and eat the stumps :) hehe
    So, we made a few mistakes and chopped a few rose stems but we hid the evidence quickly. It was really difficult because you couldn't differentiate between the weed and roses. I got a lot more spikes into my fingers today and one really bad one behind my knee that Will says I sounded like a crow cawing when it happened.
    I have a splinter from it :/
    I like cutting but doing the salt and bagging was annoying. I think I was wasteful- I need to work on my technique.
    We worked for over 4 hours and hardly made a dent in the field.
    I hated having to drag the branches to the end of the rows. The soil is so annoying to walk in it's like sand so it takes extra effort and there are so many thorns to try avoid.
    Some of the stumps were ridiculous and had old bags attached which clearly hadn't worked. Me and Will are both of the opinion that they should sacrifice a few roses to get rid of some of these ridiculous stumps. Some had 30 odd shrubs coming out of it but was too close to a singular rose stem to hack out -.-
    My good deed today was saving a family of caterpillars. There was 30 or so so I carried their tree branch to safety. We might have dropped a few aunts and uncles on the way but most of them made it :)
    There are soooo many insect types in the soil but especially spiders and jumping cockroach looking things.
    It's interesting to observe the creatures though because they are so different.
    A horse and cart went by. Apparently the Romani people illegally chop down trees for wood then sell it.
    We were so hungry but we had to wait for Danny to come and collect us because he was with the inspector.

    We then drove back with Danny and the inspector behind us. It was so casual. Danny was helping us get the stuff out of the truck and making the inspector wait. If I was the inspector I would have marked him down for making me wait and doing irrelevant things/wasting my time. Different culture I guess.

    So hungry my tummy hurt. We were offered chocolate bars because they needed the table for the paperwork side of the inspection.
    But I was too hungry so I ate it, chips and chocolate biscuits which was really bad but there was no other available food :(
    I then crashed in my balcony spot and woke up in time for dinner lol.
    I wasn't really hungry but it was a barbecue so I pushed on haha
    Such a chubby bunny - lucky for my big coats! :P
    The neighbours brought over lettuce and eggs so then we went to their house to see some pigs. They are only babies and will eventually get eaten but for now they have a good life.
    They were terrified though because they only just got therebso they are still adjusting to the space.
    There was also chickens and a dog but the lady hit the dog cause it was barking :( it then escaped the lead and ran away lol.
    I held a baby chicken.
    The new guy arrived. I haven't clarified his name yet though. He is from Kazakhstan. I like him. Will thinks is a loser. He started up some great conversations. We talked a lot about different countries.
    We learnt that in Germany there is a tax for owning a tv because it's considered a luxury. AND that they take money out of your pay check if you are religious. I know the Bible says to donate money but it needs to be by choice..
    You would think Germany would stop meddling with peoples religions.......
    I then had a shower. I hate it. As soon as you step out your feet are filthy again -.-
    I'm super stoked though, While I was showering Will changed the mattress in our tent to a single so now I can sleep on the floor.
    Genuinely so pleased.
    Matthew is slowly opening up but still is a huge question mark.

    Omg the bird is back.
    Will tried to get the splinter out of my leg but couldn't. We will have to try tomorrow in better light.
    We get to sleep in again until 9 tomorrow because they think the fields need one more day before we start picking.
    Keen to pick really but not walk up and down the rows with the stupid sand soil.

    Danny looks like Liam hemsworth (no one know who he is??)
    Yohanna is what Jessica Roberts will look like. It's creepy.

    I'm worried regarding more people coming and the toilet. At the moment I've been going with the door half open because there is no light or window so it becomes pitch black so you can't see the hole - but with more people the chance of being walked in on increases greatly :/
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