  • Päivä 66


    8. kesäkuuta 2017, Belgia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Because we are sleeping in different dorms we had planned to meet up at 9am in the common room for breakfast.
    I got up.
    9 quickly came and went. I fb messaged Will several times but he didn't respond.
    I finally learnt he wasn't dead around 9:40.
    By this time I had had the free breakfast - Coco pops because I figured if I was going to find out he was dead best have a full tummy to deal with the days events.
    I was only concerned because I knew he had gone out drinking with people from the hostel which could mean he had made all sorts of stupid decisions.
    He was ok, it was ok.
    He was just hungover as all hell so we both went back to bed agreeing to meet up at 12 for the tour.
    Met up at 12, he still looked like death so we decided we would do the tour tomorrow - meet up at 3.
    We met up, he said he was going to have a shower and could I please get him McDonald's. I did and we met back in the common room
    - half these problems would have been resolved if either of our phones had battery but our charger doesn't fit the portals in our rooms.
    Wills phone was off - hence his lack of response.
    He was still tired and I was really absorbed in my new book so we agreed to re-meet at 6:15.
    At 6:15 we went and got dinner - he got dinner and I got the most expensive 4 lettuce leaves I have ever purchased.
    We went back to the hostel and I intended to read my book. We agreed I would charge Wills phone for 20 mins in the middle of the room.
    2 kiwi chicks from my room came in with Will.
    If I didn't find them as funny as I did I would have stayed in and spent the night reading but they seemed like fun so I agreed to go out with everyone.
    We first went to a shoe bar - not its correct title but I will always remember it as such.
    You could order these big beer shaft things but in exchange you had to give them your shoe.
    It was suppose to stop you from stealing the glass which costs 90€ to actually buy. You got it back once you finished the shaft.
    It was funny seeing everyone without shoes.
    This place was so overdone by rules though.
    You couldn't do anything - you could only have one shaft or they took it away - we pulled a sneaky on them though and I ordered one for someone else.
    I had some house red wines. They were pretty good for the price.
    I really really liked the group of people. Will met the all last night when the idiot asked someone to hit him on the ass with a cricket bat and when they all did shoeies (you pour your drink into your sneaker and then skull it - such a goose 😷😷😷)
    They were mainly American but one, extremely odd Brazilian who kept talking about suicide and the kiwis. We then went to another bar that was TERRIBLE - it was so bad we boogied for a little bit taking the piss.
    We then walked on and found another place .
    I spend my time talking to a Swiss lady that I assumed was late 30's but is actually 27 :0 She ha offered me a free walking tour in Bern 💪🏻
    I enjoyed people watching at the bar.
    Will was hungry and wanted food - one of the kiwis was tired so they came back with us.
    I crashed hard considering I spent the day doing literally nothing.

    Will got sent videos of hit being hit with the cricket bat and doing a shoe-y.
    The American who did it with him - Chris, sent the video to his mum.
    She sent back "that's a shoe-y"
    Chris was so proud " ahh my parents are so cultured"
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