  • День 89


    1 июля 2017 г., Дания ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Our alarm was set for 7. We got up at 11 😅 we were both just too tired.
    We talked about it and decided to not go to lego land for several reasons.
    - it's 2 hours away
    - it's expensive
    - it's a sunny Saturday and will be so packed
    - it's not the only lego land in the world
    And the real reason - laziness.
    We didn't go see Tolland man either which I can deal with.
    If sacrifices have to be made then I'll make them! Hahah
    We walked to the shopping center and bought 4 bags if carrots hehe.
    I needed help stuffing them all into my back pack.
    The LIDL (I think that's the right letters) is their woolies - they had this fantastic fresh baked goods section.
    We got a donut each and I got a pizza flavored pastry too - he got a sausage in a roll.
    The ATM was out of order 😒
    The carrots made my bag really heavy.
    We took a gamble and got on a random bus going in the right direction and got off near to town.
    Walk walk walk.
    We found the station and then began the stupidly long walk to the deer park again.
    The weather has done a complete 180
    It was so bloody hot we were sweating like pigs.
    I was trying to walk in as many tree shadows as possible.
    Wayyyy more people were out and about today - lots at the "beach", walking their dogs, sun baking and admiring the sculptures along the shoreline.
    Walk walk walk.
    Made it - by feet hurt and I want a hat and sunscreen. Im never prepared cause 90% of days are crap.

    A lot more people today.
    We just wanted to sit for a bit so we found a bench to sit at.
    One male deer was near by so I tried to coax him over but he was a scared cat. He made me laugh though he would almost tiptoe over quickly snatch it out of your hand and back away.
    He wasn't a fun deer to pet so we walked on to find more.
    They soon spotted the carrots and we had quite the little herd following us up the hill. Hehe
    Mainly boys today. One doe was great and so pushy / she want taking crap from the men.
    She jumped up onto her back legs, put her front legs on my chest and succeeded in getting the carrot I was holding up high.
    Well played. She dirtied my shirt though lol.
    My most favourite deer of all was a boy deer from today that didn't mind pats and kept rubbing me with his antlers.
    He got some secret carrots the others don't know about 🙊
    I got a good hold of his antlers and they were really warm - the blood flow maybe?
    He was so trusting and let us pet him far more vigorously.
    I named him Arthur. The clear favourite.
    We had a group of about 8 with us.
    So greedy.
    On had a sad eye but he wasn't the nicest deer. It didn't look "sick" more like a birth defect.
    I always felt so satisfied when a new deer came almost anxiously to the group as if "oh no I haven't missed out have i??"
    So desperate for a carrot. I always delivered 😍💪🏻
    We left that group having fed them 3 whole bags 😂 and wandered though the park.
    We found one deer and she was a right wuss.
    We threw her carrots though because she probably doesn't get many cause she is so scared.
    We spent ages trying to get her trust.
    She was still very wary.

    This little 2 year old African kid was the best.
    He had a carrot as big as him and was trying to feed a deer that was already eating. He was trying to stuff it into its mouth.
    It was unbelievably cute.
    We watched him for a few minutes.
    Walk walk walk.
    I love the deer. I want a pet one. It can live with my pig, goat and donkey. 😍😍😍😍
    We gave out our last carrots at the door and said goodbye 😭
    Greatest park everrrrrrrrrr.
    Would travel back to Denmark just to visit.
    I asked Will what his thoughts on Denmark are and I agree.
    It's suited for an older generation. Not that we haven't both really enjoyed It...
    It's just quite, has culture and art (Aarhus is Europe's cultural capital for 2017) and not party central.
    Lego land is at billund airport so you never know - we might have to fly through it went we fly to Iceland with mum and dad ... 😜😜😜😜😜
    My legs and ass are cramping up. It's just so darn farrr.
    We went to maccas for a Coke and wifi to figure out where to go for dinner.
    Our search didn't amount to much.
    We walked to the bus stop and popped into the street food section which turned out to be wayyyyy bigger than it looks from the outside and awesome!!
    We shared nachos.
    It's called 'Aarhus street food'
    Waiting at the bus stop now - 45 mins to go..
    we are not convenient located at all but we made it home.
    I have gotten organised for tomorrow and booked our hostel - it's going to be such a big day!!
    We have to get 2 trains to get to Hirtshals (the port) by 11:45 tomorrow morning.
    Then it's a 4 hour ferry ride
    Then a 3km walk to Larvik station then another train then another small walk to our hostel 😭
    Send help.

    We watched videos and I packed.
    Norway tomorrow 🖖🏿
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