  • Dag 159


    9 september 2017, Wales ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Will, Jess, Jax went to get Breakfast while I lay in another hour.
    When they got back we facetimed Helen who updated us all about Grandads last days which sounded horrendous and then about the funeral.
    Said bye then checked out.

    Helen wanted some hair product from 'Boots' which is a big pharmacy chain here so we went over to the shops before we got on the road.
    Will suddenly felt sick so we went to KFC for him to use a toilet.
    I went to buy a drink but STUPID COMMBANK is still being a dick and won't let us use our PIN number and wants us to sign but they don't accept signature cards 😖 Jess is having the same problem with her commbank card and is getting so angry about it. Her card has been denied a few times too because commbank keeps going down for maintenance ?????
    So over it. Stupid bank, worst system. At least there travel card system is. Never again.

    We left and headed for Wales. The drive there was beautiful. Open fields with so many sheep.
    So green.

    We couldn't find the house lol. It took ages and a lot of stress. The instructions were find a brown house with a phone box....

    We did eventually find it. We figured out later the instructions they gave us only apply when you arrive from the other direction lol

    Ok so we are literally staying in the middle of nowhere.
    It's so peaceful.
    We have our own little caravan next to the family house. the family seems nice - they have 2 kids, a cat and ducks :) they also have sheep as neighbours :)
    There is a cool play area they said Jaxon can use to :)

    We lay around for a bit before heading to the '"local" Tesco 40 mins away hahaha
    Lovely drive - we nearly hit like 100 birds - we think thwarted are quails. They were everywhere and really stupid! We had to drive really slow because they kept flying in front of the car.

    We ended up in a decent sized town. The Tesco was very big so we did a good shop. We have bought 3 dinners and a 2 lunches for the next few days.

    We are going through money so quickly i AM SO STRESSED. I thought we had wayyyyyy more than what we do. Shouldn't have left Will in charge of the accounts. I just want them both go back home. We can't afford what Jess wants to do.
    We have agreed to give them $1000 to contribute for accommodation but that's still too much. We spent also spent so damn much looking after Jaxon. It's just so hard because I don't want to disappoint Jess.
    I don't want to pay for Jess and Jaxon I just want to pay for us 😭😭😭😭

    There was a cat outside the Tesco and it let me pat it 😻😻😻😻

    We drove home and cooked the most delicious meal. Favourite in weeks.
    Soft shell tacos with lots of sour cream.
    Gobble gobble.

    Jess then did Jax' put down but never came back out lol. She fell asleep with him.

    We watched the chase all night.

    Jaxon drinks too much juice and bad food but I'll keep my moth shut haha.
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