  • Hari 220


    9 November 2017, Bosnia dan Herzegovina ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    A beautiful nothing day. ❤️

    We were gonna go to the war tunnels until we found out they are 11km away walking or 30 mins by taxi. Was Not paying that fare so we didn't go.
    Instead we went and got the same breakfast- chicken salad 🤤🤤 then sat in a hookah bar (someone bought a baby🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️) then i bought a magnet - in very pleased with the design.. before we went home and relaxed. I fell asleep.

    Nothing else happened until 5:30 when we decided to walk 4.4 km because we were craving Indian food and there was only one option.
    Our 9km round trip will help burn off all the fantastic butter chicken.
    It defines hit the spot hah

    Back home now - popped out in thongs for pomegranate juice and received some looks 😂😂😂 big jacket and thongs - why not? Hahah

    I finished Pride and Prejudice. Not gonna lie, feeling posh and smug about it.

    The last 30% is significant more exciting and easy to understand than the start. Maybe because I was use to the stupidly phrased sentences?
    She doesn't just go next door, no. For that would be too easy. Instead She waltzes most certainly with frivolousness in step, the loveliest of kind she will find there, and certainly she will be pleased, most fervently indeed with the well mannered introduction Mr Jones will present to her, in no uncertain terms, with vigor; the meeting of families.
    That is not an extract - I made that up but like seriously what the crap is that.

    Either way I read a classic yay me and now I want to watch the movie to make sure I understood properly 😂

    Went to bed at 3:30am.
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