  • Tasmania - Wine tour

    6 lipca 2019, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We amused the idea that we might go to the wetlands for a walk but we be tired haha.
    We got up at 9:30 - the bistro buffet was $26 each so we have that a miss and drove down to a cafe a short drive away. Average food but we couldn’t venture too far cause we were getting picked up at 10:40 for our wine tour.
    Got collected. Our driver was Terry. We were the second pair collected and had to go get 2 other groups before we drove out to the first vineyard - pipers brook. The other 2 groups were 4 drunk girls from Launceston and 2 old couples from Melbourne.
    It was about a 45 minute drive.
    Tasmania country side reminds us of wales.
    - we got a quick history lesson on the drive - Launceston is the 3rd oldest Australian city.

    When there we were given 6 different wine samples. The lady serving us was grossly passionate. She taught us a lot and frankly I understood maybe 6%.
    All I got is wine making is complicated.
    I liked 3/6 but didn’t like any enough that I had to buy.
    I felt tipsy by drink 4. Not a good start hahah
    We then had lunch (included in your package) - I got a nibbles board and will got duck spring rolls. Good food but I was still a little hungry. Got another whole free glass of wine too.
    I learnt this cool cork trick where you swap the corks - can’t explain and will forget buy it entertained me on the bus.
    The group was awkward with each other at first but the wine really helped us bond lol.
    Next stop was the jansz vineyard which was literally next door.
    Disliked all the wine. We had 4 samples and then got a free glass. I had to return my glass I just couldn’t drink it - it was all bubble shit.

    Next was Delamere vineyard which was my favourite. Not as pretty as the first 2 because it didn’t have vines after vines but the 6 wines we got were smooth. Granted I was loosing my taste but I know 100% it was better than the last place.
    Final place was clover hill and had the best views. Got a cheese platter and everyone was very chatty by this point.

    Bartender said to one chick
    “I assume by this time you know what transfer method is?”
    And she replied
    “No but I know why menopause is”
    ... what??? Hahahah his face was brilliant.

    The drunk girls were off to a 21st and talking about getting passion pop and a goon bag. Glad to hear this mainland culture extends to our island hahah
    One of the old bird was called Karen and she was brilliant. A walking stereotype of her name and had the best smokers laugh.

    Got dropped off last around 6. We mentioned to Terry, our driver we were gonna get an Uber from our hotel to Bronte’s parents house for dinner but he informed us Uber’s didn’t reach that far and offered to drive us for free. Bless his socks. Saved us $30.
    So basically he dropped us of at the hotel - went somewhere for 20 minutes then came back and got us.
    5/5 stars of TripAdvisor.

    Dropped of at Bea’s and John’s. There house was up to their regular standard 😅
    Bronte’s boyfee cooked ya this delicious lamb pie thing.
    When we had finished eating we went out for a drink - Bea drove us.
    It is weird knowing I won’t see John again.
    He is a lovely, genuine man.
    Bea was so touching and loving with me we had a snuggle on the couch. Don’t even do that with my real mum haha

    Had a few cocktails with Chris and Bronte chatting about different stuff. We are politically polar opposites so I tried to avoid it but classic Will likes to push buttons.

    We caught an Uber back to the hotel ( Uber from city not a problem)
    I felt sick so I watched Wimbledon til I fell asleep.

    Great day!
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