  • Dia 12

    Buffeting winds & card games

    31 de agosto de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We both woke before 6am today to hear and feel howling winds all around and I quickly headed outside to make sure my bathers hadn’t blown away.

    Later in the morning we played a few rounds of rummy tiles with our neighbours and then they taught us how to play Bush rummy with cards. We enjoyed a pleasant few hours playing games and chatting over a cup of tea and slices of my chocolate chia and hemp cake.

    Around lunchtime rain pelted against the sides of the caravan, with an ominous grey sky visible through the skylight. The winds moved the rain on and, as quickly as it began, the rain was gone and the sky turned blue once more.

    Late afternoon Gadi went to the hot pool and Cadbury and I took a chance on the lessening winds to go for a brisk walk around the dam behind the caravan, phone in hand to capture photos of the setting sun behind the fields of wheat.

    Finally went indoors as the last weak rays of sun tried vainly to paint a golden hue on the dam water. Time to prepare (luckily we have leftover fish curry) dinner - for Cadbury and for us.

    What I learnt about men today - you need to communicate exactly what you mean. For example, if you ask one to heat a container of leftovers (could be anything, but let’s use the example of fish curry) on the stove, how do you think they would go about it? I discovered they take you literally. What I found was a plastic takeaway box filled with curry simmering in boiling water when what I had meant was to empty the curry into the pot and stir it every now and then.

    Another thing I learnt today is - maybe, just maybe, their method has merit. After all, this method got the job done eventually and it meant less messy clean up!

    Good night, sleep tight xx
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