  • Dag 22

    Orléans to Sully sur Loire

    19. juni 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    The route today had a succession of very pretty and interesting small towns.
    First came Chateauneuf-Sur-Loire, with its small but interesting museum, explaining life on the Loire over the centuries, the enormous floods and the use of ultra shallow draft boats (70cm) to ply trade on what was not a navigable river. The traps of hiring a boat and times of pressganging were also detailed.
    Next came Germigny-Des-Prés with its unremarkable Carolingian church.
    The Abbaye de Fleury at Benoît-Sur-Loire, which apparently still has bits of St Benedict in it, was an unusual church constructed from a very white rock.
    We pass many areas with signs "Sables Mouvants", indicating that the area has quicksand and that swimming is forbidden.
    The campground at Sully-Sur-Loire was great, with grassy areas in deep shade and a swimming pool, which we spent about 3 hours at. Dinner was over the bridge at a 'pub' on the corner.
    The fairytale chateau was constructed around 1400 and still looks beautiful - the sort of smallish chateau one could consider living in. Plenty of room for guests!
    Les mer