  • Giorno 22

    Travel Day - Granada to Fuengirola

    21 gennaio 2018, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    Although our travel distance today was just 160 km, it was going to be our most complicated travel day yet. We splurged on a taxi to the bus station and the driver was so nice and honest that he didn’t want to accept the small tip that we offered. We had an uneventful 1 1/2 hour bus trip to Malaga followed by a short walk to the nearby train station. Here we boarded a local train that only runs for 35 km along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the area known as the Costa del Sol. We got off at the last stop in the town of Fuengirola. My map app worked like a charm this time and we were happy to learn that the bus station was just a block away. As a bonus, our bus was waiting there. This final bus trip was a short 10 km where we were let off at the side of the road. One of the passengers told me to quickly hop off and get our luggage from the storage area before the bus took off again. Seeing the bus leave with our luggage would have pushed John over the edge for sure! At this point we weren’t exactly sure where to find our resort but fortunately a German couple came along and were able to give us directions even though they didn’t speak English. We had to haul our luggage up a steep, gravel and rock trail to the paved road that led to our resort, all uphill! That last stretch was a killer. All of this travel took us just 4 hours and my directions and plans were spot-on this time. We were both shocked how smoothly the day went considering all the transfers we had to make.

    We checked in at the timeshare, Marina del Sol, and were assigned a 2 bedroom unit that was up one more hill. Thankfully, resort staff helped us with our luggage. This resort is so huge that they have an open-air train to transport you around the property. We are in an older section that is like a townhouse with the 2 bedrooms upstairs. It is clean, spacious and has the best view so we’re happy with our temporary home, especially since I had reserved this at a sale price of $400/week. We’ll be here for 2 weeks so that we can reflect and recover from the hectic pace of the last 3 weeks. Whew!!
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