Walking is my happy place! Read more Vancouver Island, Canada
  • Day 42

    Mucho dias - Mucho Peregrinos Day 2-7

    April 19 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    It is fascinating watching all of the different peregrinos from all over the world mixing together.
    They are bound by a common goal, a desire to follow, " The Path."
    Each has their own purpose which is as diversified as the mixture of cultures.

    We are averaging 50 pilgrims per day now.

    We had a young girl from Korea come and she was filming every moment of her experience not wanting to miss anything.

    I also am amazed at how our kitchen is transformed into a fusion of different cuisines.
    We had an Italian chef prepare a pasta extraordinaire for all the pilgrims including us!!!

    There was also a guy who after walking 6 hours prepared stuffed dumplings from scratch using a box of pizza crust flour!!!

    We had a family from the USA that were walking with their 2 boys ages 12 and 15 years.

    I watched a tall elderly man do an entire Yoga Vipassana this morning. Amazing🤗 No I didnt stare.....🤔😂

    At the end of the day you always wonder who will arrive tomorrow??
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  • Day 37

    San Nicolas Albergue Day 1

    April 14 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    So, my first day working. We had about 36 pilgrims. This is the perfect job for someone who is interested in statistics for sure!!

    The routine is to open the locked door and gate by 5:30 and be available to help the pilgrims with anything that may come up. They leave by 8 am.

    Next we strip the beds of any paper sheets that were used and empty the garbage.

    We wash down each mattress with disinfectant. There are 2 bunk beds per room with a few larger rooms that have 3.

    We sweep and mop the floors.

    I really enjoy this as I can listen to my music and podcasts etc..

    We then have a break until we open at 1 pm.

    The first shift is 1-4 pm, and the other is 4 pm to 7 pm although Pilgrims will arrive up until we lock the doors at 10:30 pm

    We register each Pilgrim in a book including their Passport or DIN number , name, walking or cycling, where they started their Camino, and where the stayed the night before. We then assign a bed for them and needless to say most want the lower (baja) one and not the top ( arriba).🥴 We do the best we can.

    We do offer a woman's and a men's wing which I think is great😉

    So far so good🤞🙏🍀
    I am working with Jolguin (He reminds me of Opa ( Kurt's Dad)

    Isobel is from Montreal. Gilberto and Jolguin are both from Espana. Gilberto speaks only Spanish . Jolguin is learning English with Duolingo 😉 He also speaks some French and Italian but Spanish is his native language.
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  • Day 36

    Around Ponferrada

    April 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    I spent today walking around Ponferrada and taking a few pics. It is such an interesting place with many photo opportunities.

    I dropped by the Hostel that I will be volunteering at and introduced myself. i met Anna who is very experienced and returns each year from Italy to help. No other Hospitalaros have come yet maybe tomorrow.

    I took a picture of 2 elderly gents who were looking for a bench. My competition!!!
    It was very hot and all benches fill very quickly.
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  • Day 35

    Sarria - VillaFranca-Ponferrada

    April 12 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Got ready to leave for the bus. Spoke to Fernando who is a Pediatric Hematologist from the Southern Phillipines. His flight was 25 hours. He starts walking tomorrow.

    Going to Lugo switching buses then on to Villa Franca to check the church out. Unfortunately it was closed.

    I missed the 12:30 bus out of Villa Franca so had to wait until 15:55.....I am standing out in the hot sun 32 C for 40 minutes and see my bus ....it was not slowing down so I started waving my hands wildly. The driver stopped and informed me that I should have been at a different stop.....he let me on luckily or I would have had to wait another 2 hours.🥴

    Arrived at my Hostel after walking 2 km from the bus station. It is wonderful.

    It feels like summer here.⛱️👒
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  • Day 34

    Rest Day 160 km completed

    April 11 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Had scrambled eggs for breakfast and headed out to find a place in the sun to catch up on my journal.

    Gorgeous day.

    Had my lunch on a park bench listening to the birds.

    Got my things ready for tomorrow. Fewer pilgrims are staying tonight perhaps 6 or so.

    Saw a dozen pilgrims uptown...certainly the numbers are increasing.

    Off to Ponferrada tomorrow.
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  • Day 33

    Sarria 20.9 km

    April 10 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    I woke up at 6 am. I was quiet so as not to disturb the Italian woman even though she woke me up at 10 pm chatting with someone....
    Then all of a sudden she leapt out of bed and switched on the big light!!

    I was happy because I could pack up by the big heater in the room instead of the freezing cold kitchen.

    She was raring to go in minutes, and wanted to wait for me but I declined.....I needed my coffee first.

    It was a cool but beautiful morning. I knew Samos would have a bar for breakfast and that was 6 km away or so.

    I reached Samos and no bar was open. Walked on and there wasn't a bar until Sarria!!! But I was fine....just disappointed.

    Anyway..... I only saw one man from my O Breiro group. The others must have taken the alternative shorter route.

    I saw 2 huge storks in a field and the cutest Burro. I don't have a picture of the Burro because the Man said NO!!!

    I arrived at a hostel I have stayed at previously that I love. Hot showers cosy warm private beds, great kitchen, and close to the bus and train.

    I will rest tomorrow before going to Ponferrada
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  • Day 32

    O Cebreiro to Lusio 28.9 km

    April 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    So it snowed more overnight. Christianne was nervous walking by herself and wanted to walk with me again. We headed out with our headlamps. It was a winter wonderland. I loved every step. Christianne is a "Drama Queen" and was exclaiming loudly when faced with a hill.

    As we reached another summit it ended with a bar being open!
    I ate a huge piece of tortilla Patata. I saved the rest and the huge slice of bread for later. I am so glad that I did in hindsight.

    We parted ways as Christianne is always wanting to be on the go.....me not so much and wanted to take a break to take off excess clothing.

    I arrived in Triacastela. Very touristy town. I went into the Supermercado and was told to leave my pack outside. I understand that however the woman was not friendly at all.

    It was just 12:30 and I didn't have a good feel for the town to spend the night and decided to continue on.
    It was a beautiful path by the river.
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  • Day 31

    Trabadelo to O Cebreiro 21km

    April 8 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 5 °C

    So started out raining lightly. I brought an old raincoat that I used previously on the West Coast Trail.....well....it wasn't as water proof as I thought🥴

    Anyway, I felt good and things were great until the light rain became a Classic Galicia Downpour!!!! Luckily there was a bar that was open after walking in it for an hour.

    My 3 German friends stopped there as well. We decided as a group to press on to the next village 5 km away.

    It was so muddy and impossible to keep ones feet dry🥴

    When we reached the next Village it stopped raining and the sun even came out. Christian said she wanted to keep walking with me as our paces were similar.

    We headed out after eating ( tortilla & cafe con leche) and this is where things started to fall apart.....

    It started to rain and the trail was extremely muddy and getting steeper and steeper. We knew of we held on that La faba was 7 km away and there was an albergue there.

    We arrived there and it was just pouring!!!! I was soaking wet ( should have brought my Camino rain gear 🥶) and we found out the Albergue didn't open until 2 pm.....it was 12 noon.
    There was nothing open in this town.....so....we decided to keep walking.

    Up and up and up....the rain turned into sleet......then into snow.....but we kept trudging along. We didn't have a choice to stop anyway. I did briefly to snap a few pics but honestly the low cloud hang obliterated the magnificent view!!

    This is the highest altitude on the whole Camino.

    We finally reached our Albergue at 2 pm. Shortly after arriving it started to snow even heavier. I saw a big snowplow that had been on the highway I think?

    No stores were open so I settled on an Empanada.

    We were able to dry our clothes but my boots are not really dry. I hope tomorrow they will be better.

    The Albergue has 18 pilgrims or so.....It is toasty warm which is wonderful There are over 60 beds in one enormous room.

    This has been quite the day!!
    But shoutout to Merino wool and my Injinji socks!!!!! No blisters and I kept my core temp warm even though I was drenched.
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  • Day 30

    Cacabelos to Trabadelo 19.27km

    April 7 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Clear and warm this morning.
    Passed fields and fields of vineyards.

    It was beautiful to see them so well maintained.

    Didn't see very many Pilgrims until Villa Franca
    It was very busy there. I had a wonderful tortilla de patata.

    Sunday is generally very quiet and many stores are closed.

    The sun got quite hot towards the end of my walk.
    The albergue is very clean and offered a home cooked meal of butternut squash soup, roasted chicken and an orange for dessert.

    I met 3 pilgrims that had walked 35 km today!!! Amazing 👍

    I was able to catch up on my journal and relax on the patio enjoying the sun.

    Very cute town with very interesting old casas. One looked like it was a Hobbit House🤗
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  • Day 29

    Molinesca to Cacabelos 20 km

    April 6 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Today was an eventful day as I saw 2 burros and my very first Stork!!!

    The road today was mixed asphalt, cement and dirt roads.

    I continue to soak up Spring in Spain. The greens, buds on trees and numerous varied blossoms. The wild red and orange poppies, forget me nots, lilac and other flowers I do not know the name for.

    It was quite a wet day but I was able to enjoy a delicious sandwich under cover at a bus stop 😉

    My supper was 7 delicious fresh churros🥰😍😂
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